Here's What Trader Joe's Cookie Butter Beer Really Tastes Like

If there's one thing grocery chain Trader Joe's can claim, it's the fact that it's full of surprises. First came their Speculoos Cookie Butter spread (a crowd favorite for almost 10 years, according to Food Beast), and it was very good. In September, shoppers noticed that Cookie Butter had expanded its flavorful reach, and the store now stocked a beer version for customers looking for something different.


The Snacks of Life food blogger noticed the new treat at a Trader Joe's near her and alerted her followers via an Instagram post. Suffice to say, the post generated plenty of excitement. The beer is basically said to be a Golden Ale with strong notes of vanilla, a hint of coconut, and other flavors. The delectable brew has 9.5 percent alcohol by volume. And when all of those flavors combine, what does it taste like? Dreamy — like Christmas, if reports are to be believed. According to Pop Sugar, the drink isn't too heavy and is quite refreshing, living up to all the expectations surrounding it.

It has somewhat mixed reviews

What can you expect from the Speculoos Cookie Butter Beer? Is it anything like the butterbeer that figured in the Harry Potter stories? As per AZ Central, most people will be pleasantly surprised if they like smooth beer that's sweet and is reminiscent of scented candles.  The key is to go in with an open mind while sampling the beer. You're bound to think of cookies when you drink it, which is perhaps a unique result from a beer.


Some Reddit users said that they liked it, but a few found it quite sweet for their taste buds. One Reddit commenter wrote, "I found it way too sweet. Makes a good dessert beer, I guess but man ... is it sweet." Another person pointed out that they liked the beer, but were not blown away by its taste. Yet another Reddit poster said that the item has great novelty value, is delicious, and fits the description. It is not, however, something they'd be inclined to buy over and over again. They concluded with, "After hearing that Trader Joe's went through 18 iterations of flavor profiles to get here [according to People Magazine], I really hate to say I was a bit disappointed but, it was a perfectly average beer."


