Here's What You Can Do To Thicken Creamed Corn

Creamed corn is both delicious and filling and creamy (naturally) and sweet to the taste buds. But, it might surprise you to learn that traditional recipes for creamed corn do not call for cream. According to The Pantagraph, creamed corn is generally served as a side dish, and we can trace its origins to the Native Americans, who also inspired such corn-based classics as Southern cornbread and grits. They made creamed corn by cutting off the kernels from the cob and scraping the cob with a knife to extract the milky liquid within. The corn and "milk" were then cooked together, resulting in a soupy mixture.


Today, we still enjoy this dish which is simple to make and good to eat; however, one of the biggest pitfalls of making creamed corn is getting the consistency right. Often times you may find that your creamed corn is too runny. Our Everyday Life points out that patience is really all that is needed to get that thick, hearty sauce that is a signature of creamed corn. If you don't mind waiting, the liquid will evaporate while your creamed corn cooks, producing a thicker sauce. However, if you are like most of us who are in a hurry to get food on the table, that might not be practical. But never fear: we searched the internet and found several ways for you to thicken your creamed corn when you don't have any patience in the pantry. 


Cornstarch, rice flour, and cream cheese are your thickening friends

According to Leaf TV, one of the easiest ways to thicken up your creamed corn is simply to add more corn. This option is probably the best because it ensures your creamed corn's taste will not change, but if you don't have any extra corn and your cream corn is just slightly watery, cornstarch is your next best bet. You will want to create a grainy paste – free of lumps – with your cornstarch before adding it to your creamed corn. You do this by combining equal parts cornstarch and cold water or even cream. They recommend half of a tablespoon of cornstarch for each cup of creamed corn. 


However, if your creamed corn is really soupy, you will want to use flour to thicken it up. Our Everyday Life suggests using rice flour. The beauty of rice flour over cornstarch is you can sprinkle it right into your creamed corn and mix until you get your desired consistency. But what if you are making your creamed corn in the slow cooker? Well, they suggest dollops of cream cheese, butter, and milk can be added to your creamed corn to thicken it up. But don't stir them into your mixture. Instead, let them melt on the surface of your creamed corn. Wait a couple of hours and halfway through the slow cooker's time, stir it all together and let it stand for a few minutes before serving.

