What You Don't Know About The Cicis Pizza Challenge

What's better than eating pizza? Getting paid to eat pizza! In June 2019, one man, Brandon "Da Garbage Disposal" Clark, ate a 28-inch pizza at Cicis Pizza in Katy, Texas, and won $500 (via ABC13). The good news is, you don't have to do it alone. The Cicis Pizza Challenge is designed for a two-person team. While entry fees range from $50 to $100, sayss Gator 99.5, depending on the location of the Cicis store, the basic rules of the challenge still apply. Two people must eat a 28-inch Cicis pizza and two 32-ounce sodas within 60 minutes. No bathroom breaks, standing up, or throwing up is allowed.


Prizes, depending on Cicis location, range from $300 and free pizza once a month for a year to $500. Once per year, the team with the shortest time taken to complete the challenge is rewarded with the Cicis grand prize of $2,500.

How to win a pizza-eating challenge

In 2019, 36 teams in eight cities competed in the Cicis Pizza Challenge. Only six teams completed the challenge. One Chicago team, Team Glutton Force Five, ate their pizza in seven minutes, 25 seconds, helping them walk away with the fastest time, the winning title, and $2,500, according to Cicis.


New what about when it comes to acually eating a giant pizza for money? Heed the advice of the experts over at Food Challenges: Train your stomach to hold the extra food, analyze the components of the challenge beforehand, eat meats first and carbs last, always keep track of the challenge timer, drink any required beverages first, eat fast, and take small bites. Competitive eating does not come without its challenges. In fact, there are real dangers involved, according to Food Challenges, including choking, getting sick, biting your own finger, and more. Feeling queasy? You may feel better ordering a small pizza and watching the competition from the sidelines.

