McDonald's Tweet About The Mysterious Utah Monolith Has People Talking

If you're in need of entertainment and happen to be on social media, you'd probably want to head to McDonald's on Twitter, where you may not be able to order your favorite treats and get them delivered, but you'd definitely be served a chuckle or two. McDonald's decided to make itself a part of the national conversation involving a mysterious steel monolith that appeared in a remote part of a Utah desert by appropriating the structure for its use. We have to admit, it makes a pretty convincing drive-thru fixture.


The post prompted an exchange between some of McDonald's biggest partners and fans. Oreo reached out with an order for an Oreo McFlurry, and McDonald's played along, saying "one OREO McFlurry with a spoon that is not a straw coming right up!" Oreo didn't pass up the opportunity to throw a bit of shade McDonald's way, joking, "Oh good, we were worried the machine would be down" with a winky emoji.

Another Mickey D's fan, Xbox, placed a tongue-in-cheek order: "Y'all got the McRib?" So Mickey D's responded with a humorous order of its own, posting, "y'all got the series x?" Xbox bantered back with "Sorry, it won't fit in the Happy Meal box." The post even got a response from McDonald's partner Chip Ganassi Racing, which posted a picture of a race car next to the monolith with the text, "uh yes hi, think i took a wrong turn somewhere but can i get a quarter pounder with cheese meal."


Utah's monolith disappeared 10 days after it was found

McDonald's post on the Utah monolith came a day after the structure vanished as mysteriously as it appeared. While no one still knows how the structure appeared, at least we know how it was taken down. Adventure photographer Ross Bernards tells The New York Times that he was visiting the monolith on the night it had been taken down when four men appeared to dismantle it. He said the men gave the monolith hard shoves to uproot it, and when it popped out, the sculpture landed on the ground with a bang. The men then broke the monolith into pieces, and the photographer says he heard one of the men utter, "Leave no trace."


Artists had thought that the monolith was an idea spawned by someone in their community, but so far, no one has come forward to claim credit for the work. McDonald's seems to be the only one willing to take some ownership of the monolith, and their use for it, at least for now, seems to be as good as any.

