The Unexpected Dish 18% Of People Pretend To Like But Secretly Hate

Eating is, above all else, a social experience, whether we're breaking bread with our families, or texting confessions to our BFFs that the cookie dough got the better of us (again). It's fun to agree about which foods are the most addictive, to excitedly share recipes, or even to stand in line for hours, just so you can say you experienced eating at a legendary tourist attraction. But what about when everyone else you know claims they adore a particular dish ... but to you, it's just eh? You could just tell the truth — that you've had better — or, you could stick your fork in for another bite, and declare, "Yum!"


Why lie? As it turns out, when it comes to food preferences, many of us have trouble being the voice of dissent, according to a survey of more than 500 Americans conducted by Mashed. We just can't bring ourselves to admit, "Eh, that didn't do much for me." Particularly when it comes to a rare, juicy steak. More than 18 percent of those polled actually hate a bloody cut of meat. So why eat it anyway? One of the most common reasons why people lie, even about seemingly unimportant things, is fear of disappointing others, according to Psychology Today. And steak isn't the only food people are afraid to confess that they despise.

If you don't like sushi, you're not alone

Mmm, raw fish, delicately perched atop a small mound of sticky rice — sounds delish, right? Except, nearly 15 percent of those surveyed are not fans of this Japanese delicacy, although they continue to spend plenty of dough on those rolls. Do they just not want to let down their friends who are craving a bento box for lunch? "My hypothesis is that not many people legitimately like sushi, but lots of people think that they should like sushi because it's en vogue," posited the blog The Comeback. "The act of drawing attention to this cognitive dissonance, the discrepancy between one's beliefs and actions, causes psychological distress and thus induces the negative response."


Since sushi is seen as a sophisticated food, there might be an element of social climbing involved in claiming you love sushi, even if you don't, speculated Stuff White People Like: "it's everything they want: foreign culture, expensive, healthy, and hated by the 'uneducated.'"

Little kids aren't the only ones who hate Brussels sprouts

Wanting to be seen as sophisticated also means we need to broadcast to the world how much we adore foods that don't appeal to those with a juvenile palate. Like Brussels sprouts, which, indeed, are famously hated by many juveniles. Serve them to a small child, and be prepared for pouting, sobbing, and maybe even plate-tossing, those dark green balls rolling under the dinner table like loose marbles. You would think that love of Brussels sprouts is something that happens to most people over time, particularly in recent years; demand for Brussels sprouts increased by 70 percent between 2013 and 2016, according to Vegetable Growers News


While we might be consuming more Brussels sprouts, that doesn't mean we actually enjoy them. In fact, a good percentage of us are having silent interior temper tantrums with every bite we take. Nearly 15 percent of those surveyed said they secretly hate this veggie as much as any toddler does. It turns out there actually may be a scientific reason why some people hate Brussels sprouts, and it has nothing to do with sophistication. You can be born with gene that makes you more sensitive to bitter tastes, according to the University of London's Centre of the Cell. Broccoli, kale, and cabbage are likely on your "ew!" list as well, if you've inherited this trait.

About 10 percent of Americans secretly loathe lobster

Cracking open a bright red lobster shell and helping yourself to rich, buttery chunks of lobster meat is a decadence that the rich and famous are known for enjoying. But before they were seen as an entree for the affluent, lobsters were once used for fertilizer and were called "cockroaches of the sea," Business Insider reported. According to the Mashed survey, about 10 percent of Americans secretly believe this shellfish still isn't all it's cracked up to be, though they won't admit this to their friends and family. 


Why lie about loving lobster? Buzzfeed is done with deception. Lobster meat is "plain; boring; beach sweat incarnate," one staff writer raged. "The texture is neither satisfyingly chewy, nor crispy, nor lush like a chunk of greasy pork belly might be." If you feel the same way about this crustacean, maybe it's time to 'fess up. Honesty is, after all, the best policy. On the other hand, if you genuinely do love lobster, you probably don't relish the idea of eating it alongside friends who feel like they're eating beach sweat. So, how can you encourage the lobster haters among your crowd to come clean about their feelings? "The more you can convince a liar that the threats they're consciously or subconsciously perceiving aren't an issue, the more they'll probably relax, trust you and put their two-faced ways behind them," advised Inc.


