Starbucks' Secret Menu Candy Cane Frapp Changes Everything

Candy Cane Frappuccino may not be on the coffee chain's official menu this year, but don't let that hold you back. If you long after Starbucks' Peppermint Mocha Frappuccinos, and especially if you've already tried the Christmas Cookie Frapp or Santa Claus Frapp off of Starbucks' secret menu, then you're well on your way to experiencing Candy Cane Frapp glory. Candy Cane Frappuccinos have been a star on Starbucks' menus in holiday seasons past, so most of Instagram and Twitter have already tried them. Instagram users think the drink so good that they figured out a way to order them even during summer months.


Twitter thinks they're the truest manifestation of glory. "Tastes like Hershey's candy cane kisses," swore candy can frapp fan @pointmehome. "Much delicious, blendy, minty celebration," wrote user @ilikestars, all grammatical rules apparently forgotten after downing one of the frosty drinks. "The candy cane frappuccino from Starbucks tastes like Christmas in a cup!" affirmed @madison_scott15, which is exactly what a holiday-themed frappuccino should taste like, don't you think? 

How to order Starbucks' Candy Cane Frappuccino

Ordering Starbucks' Candy Cane Frappuccino off of the coffee chain's secret menu is almost as easy as breathing. All you have to do is order a Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino and ask for a pump or two of peppermint syrup. Best Products says one pump for a tall, one and a half for a grande, and two for a venti. Of course, if you're a true peppermint fan, free feel to add more. One candy cane frapp fanatic on Twitter swears by five to six pumps.  


From there on out, personalize your candy cane frapp according to the amount of holiday cheer you're feeling. Best Products suggests "festive holiday sugar sparkles" or "crispy white pearl toppings." Others have added Java chips and strawberry puree to the mix. You go ahead and do you! Just, do us a favor, don't skip out on the whipped cream.  

