Sam's Club Is Making It Even Easier For Kids To Safely Meet Santa

This year, a lot of our favorite holiday traditions are going to have to undergo some serious changes. With the Coronavirus outbreak limiting large gatherings and reducing the amount of loved ones we'll get to see in person, most of us are coming up with creative ways to get in the festive spirit while still remaining COVID safe.


For many children around the world, visiting Santa Claus and giving him their Christmas list in person is a beloved part of their holiday celebrations. Sadly, this is one of the traditions that has to change for 2020, as stores are limiting crowds and, unfortunately, sitting on Santa's lap does not comply with social distancing recommendations — but children shouldn't get too disappointed just yet. Like many things this year, the tradition is not disappearing entirely, it's simply going virtual.

Sam's Club has devised a new way to bring Santa to you this Christmas, by offering free, live visits with Saint Nick over video call. According to Woodward News, Sam's Club members can book a session with Santa simply by going to the website. Then, parents or guardians can select which Santa they would like to meet with their child. They can even include a few extra details about their child, so the family can have a more personal experience with Santa.


Santa Claus visits are going virtual this year

The Santa sessions are limited to one per Sam's Club member, but multiple children can attend the virtual visits. After the call, participants will also receive a free photo and video download of the visit to share with families and friends. You can share your experience via social media using the hashtag #SamsSanta. Sessions are reserved first come, first serve, and there are a limited number of spots, so Sam's Club members are encouraged to book their family's Santa visit early.


Even if you aren't able to book a session with jolly Saint Nick, never fear. There is always the old fashioned way of getting in touch with Santa: writing him a letter. Sam's Club's website has an additional Kids Activities section, where children can compose and send a letter to the North Pole. They'll even receive a response from Santa himself! The site also features other fun Christmas activity ideas, like baking Santa's favorite cookies and holiday-themed coloring pages, which will keep kids entertained all the way up until Christmas morning.

