This Butterbeer-Flavored Peanut Butter Is Perfect For Harry Potter Fans

This butterbeer-flavored peanut butter is infused with "slivers of butter rum toffee mixed with sweet, thick butterscotch," according to its makers, Nerdy Nuts. As for the "grain alcohol" you see in the ingredient list, that's part of the nuts' toffee coating, says Nerdy Nuts on TikTok. All their nuts are roasted before they grind them. Close your eyes, eat a spoonful, and imagine you're in Hogsmeade. If you're lucky enough to lay your hands on a jar, it'll be made to order, no preservatives added. It'll take a bit of wizarding to get one. Nerdy Nuts, the company that makes it is only open for ordering once a week, and their peanut butter flavors sell out faster than you can wave your wand.


Where has butterbeer-flavored peanut butter been all your life? It all started in the summer of 2019 when Craig Mount and Erika Peterson started selling honey-roasted and white chocolate peanut butter at a local farmer's market. With the help of TikTok, their small company soon went viral. "People were calling me begging for peanut butter," Mount told The Hustle, "They'd say, 'My family member just died and I need this,' or 'All I wanted in life was to share a jar with my newborn niece!'" Honestly, with offerings like Butterbeer, we get the urgency.

The reviews are in and Nerdy Nuts' Butterbeer peanut butter tastes like magic

We're not ashamed to admit that we've watched the TikTok video of Nerdy Nuts' Butterbeer peanut butter more than once. Because this peanut butter looks like a celebration after a Quidditch win, or the prize you might snag after winning The All-Wizard Tournament, or something that Hagrid might feed to his pet dragon, or maybe the one thing that Harry Potter's aunt Petunia secretly covets about the wizarding world. You get the idea.


Nerdy Nuts released dropped the flavor on November 1, and so far reviews are as good as you'd expect them to be. "Got mine and we love it," wrote a fan on Instagram. "Got my child out doing yardwork to earn his very own jar," laughed another. "This stuff is dangerously addictive," raved a third, "It may cause a divorce- my husband ate 2 bites – told me to hide it – found it and hid it for himself." We'd go on, but we're too busy daydreaming about butterbeer-flavored peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

