These Are The Vegetables You Should Be Putting In Your Next Stew

A warm stew can make the rainiest, coldest day so much better. As the temperature drops, hearty, creamy meat stews take center stage, replacing summer's bisques and gazpachos. While everyone loves the rich depth of flavor in a classic bowl of stew, don't discount the power of vegetables when you have to round out the flavor profile of your meal, especially if you can take advantage of local produce.


Everyone could always indulge in a few more daily vegetables and stews provide a surefire way to remedy that problem. According to CBS, anyone who eats a full portion of daily vegetables drastically cuts down on their risk of heart attack, stroke, and early death. If those factors couldn't encourage you to throw a few more vegetables into your next stew, then consider the benefits of packing in a ton of high-fiber veggies to keep you full throughout the day (via Business Insider). With so many varieties at your fingertips, what's stopping you from experimenting and adding some veggies in the next time you make the perfect stew?

The best vegetables for stew

According to Kitchn, sourcing local cold-weather produce for stews can take your recipe to the next level. If you love leafy greens like kale, collard greens, mustard greens, and beet greens, you have to try adding them to your soup for some extra filling power. According to Eat Right, these same greens have tons of vitamin K, C, and A in addition to a variety of essential minerals, so you really have no excuse to add them in. Throw some mushrooms in with your greens to add a massive burst of umami, and don't forget root vegetables like rutabaga or celery root for a touch of rustic flavor.


If you want to brighten up your stew, look no further than fennel — the bright, licorice-like flavor can take any soup from run-of-the-mill to a complex culinary experience. Winter squash and cauliflower both can jump in and add an extra level of depth and starch to your meal, making for a much more filling dish. For a vegetable that can even pass off as meat, try some braised eggplant to add that secret ingredient — just make sure to salt it beforehand to draw out any extra moisture. When you start to feel frost creep into your bones, nothing beats a stew filled to the brim with the best vegetables that can keep you coming back for that second bowl.

