Read This Before Eating More Pecan Pie

Pecan pie may not be the star of your Thanksgiving Day's feast, but for many people, the dinner table would not be complete without this uniquely American dessert on a uniquely American holiday. Pecan pie is a beloved indulgence, especially in the South where pecans are native to the region (via Florida University). Its filling tastes of caramel, thanks to that caramelized corn syrup, and a little like vanilla and oak when spiked with bourbon — that is, if you've added the obligatory teaspoon or two. It is also filled with the texture of crunchy pecans, and a flaky and buttery taste, thanks to the crust.


Who invented this pie? That is definitely up for discussion. According to Master Class, the makers of Karo syrup call dibs when it comes to who first came up with the idea of pecan pie, claiming they created it in 1930 when they first started selling their own sugary syrup. Harper's Bazaar suggests that a recipe created as early as 1886 exists for this delicious pie that calls for molasses and cane syrup to create the gooey-filling. But regardless of who invented this pie, you may want to think twice before you consider shoveling a slice of this decadent dessert into your pie hole, let alone enjoying a second slice.

Pecan pie is packed full of fat

Pecan pie is definitely not for someone watching their weight. It might surprise you to learn that according to Food Network, a slice of pecan pie contains more than 550 calories.  RxWiki adds that a slice also means 27 grams of fat. If you top it off with a scoop of vanilla Haagen Dazs, you are adding another 270 calories and a whopping 18 grams of fat to your daily caloric intake. That's a lot of calories for one dessert, and remember, that's after your turkey dinner feast. Not to mention, what makes pecan pie so deliciously delightful is all that sweet sugary goodness it packs in each bite, along with all those crunchy nuts. This dessert is bound to set off a sugar alarm.


On the flip side, however, pecans, in all their fatty glory, may be beneficial in aiding efforts to decrease the amount of bad cholesterol in your body. As with most things in life, it's a tradeoff. What should you eat instead to mark this once-in-a-year feast? There are plenty of people who will tell you to jump on the pumpkin pie bandwagon. We are not those people. Instead, we want to encourage you to eat your pecan pie, but to do so responsibly. Choose a sliver over a whole slice, and skip the whipped or ice cream. Your pants will thank you in the morning when you go to button them up.

