You Should Never Drink Cheap Tea. Here's Why

Tea is a warm, comforting hug in liquid form that comes in all types of flavors and varieties. Whether you prefer to sip on a freshly brewed cup of green tea or swear by chamomile tea before you tuck yourself in bed at night, tea is something that has managed to attract fans from across the world for its many benefits. In fact, according to Penn Medicine, tea has been demonstrated to bless its consumers with numerous health benefits, such as possibly boosting the immune systems, fighting cancer and heart ailments, and battling inflammation.


White tea, in particular, has been show to help protect tea drinkers from cancer. On the other hand, different kinds of herbal tea can provide a range of benefits. The best part? They don't have caffeine so you can safely drink them whenever you fancy tea and even brew yourself a hot cuppa to unwind after a long and stressful day at work. However, not all kinds of tea are created equal. When it comes to cheap tea, you're better off without it. Here is why you need to be cautious.

Cheap tea can be harmful

The quality of the tea you choose to consume is no laughing matter, as it turns out. In 2013, the Journal of Toxicology reported that more than 70 percent of the 30 kinds of tea that were put to the test had potentially dangerous levels of lead, and 20 percent were found to have unsafe levels of aluminum. Plus, according to a different study, excessive amounts of fluoride were found in some cheap teas that could potentially lead to tooth, joint, and bone damage. (But note that fluoride at acceptable levels is good for your teeth and bones, states the NHS.)


This does not mean that you need to avoid tea completely. Drinking tea in moderation is good for you, but what you should do is stay away from low-quality brands and only opt for reliable ones while purchasing tea. Basically, for the sake of your health, don't try to save the next time you get yourself fresh packets of tea.

