Apples Vs. Pears: Which Is More Nutritious?

Everyone's heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" several times throughout their lives. It's not a secret that fruits possess a truckload of benefits for the human body. Healthline reports that fruits carry tons of fiber, water, and can be astonishingly filling. The same report states that just eating one large apple can leave the body feeling incredibly satisfied, and make you feel less inclined to snack on the bad stuff like chips and candy — in fact, you can even bake or cook apples into some amazing treats. 


Eating pears, on the other hand, can also help the body reduce inflammation, assist it with weight loss, and promote a healthy overall gut and heart (via Healthline). With all the added benefits both provide to the body, one begins to wonder which of the two fruits possesses the most nutritional bang for their buck. Should you eat more apples or pears? Of these two powerhouse fruits, is one better overall? What it all comes down to is what you personally are looking for in terms of nutrition, as both apples and pears have immense nutritional benefits.

Health benefits of apples and pears

Foodstruct reveals that it's a nutritional toss up between both. When compared mineral for mineral, both fruits contain potassium, phosphorus, and sodium, but pears inch ahead by carrying more iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc. When it comes to vitamin content? Foodstruct explains that apples win as they have higher traces of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin B1. Both have equal amounts of vitamin C and vitamin B2. But, what if you're following a strict macro diet? 


Feel free to indulge in both as they have a low glycemic index, are rich in fiber, contain a high antioxidant count, and are low in calories. Healthline reports that both apples and pears are good for your heart health as well. One report on apples said that the soluble fiber found in them helps lower the body's blood cholesterol levels and that the polyphenol content within apples have antioxidant properties that lower blood pressure. A separate report explains how the procyanidin antioxidants found within pears help decrease the stiffness of heart tissue, lowers LDL levels (bad cholesterol), and increases HDL levels (good cholesterol). So, when it comes down to it, you'll want to stock up on both.


