The Bobby Flay Cameo You Never Knew About

Celebrity chef Bobby Flay is one of the most reputed names in the culinary industry. According to Flay's official website, food is one of his main priorities in life and something that inspires him every single day. He writes, "It's the way I make my living, the way I relax, the way I express myself, and how I keep healthy. I communicate with the world, and experience the world, through food." Flay has also been a part of many shows on Food Network, building his career as a TV show host.


According to a piece by Insider, Flay founded his first eatery pretty early in life: he was only 26. Another interesting fact? His cat, Nacho, is pretty famous on Instagram and has over 211,000 followers. Phew. Here's something else you probably don't know about the popular chef. He was once a part of a well-known movie. Seriously. Here's the full lowdown.

He was in a Scooby-Doo film

Believe it or not, Bobbly Flay was once a part of a Scooby Dooby film. According to Cheatsheet, the chef played himself in a 2018 Scooby-Doo movie. The title was rather apt, actually. It was called Scooby-Doo and the Gourmet Chef. And guess what? His celebrity cat, Nacho, also showed up in the film. Wow. Flay was Fred's uncle in the movie, by the way.


A Reddit thread recently discussed Flay's role in the film. A witty commentator offered an honest review and wrote, "I like this one. It's not the best, it's not even one of the really good ones...It's good for a laugh. Always disappointed they didn't make someone famous the villain though. You know there are plenty of famous people (even chefs) who would have jumped at the chance to be the Scooby-Doo villain." We can't help but agree.

Also, in case your interest is piqued, as per his IMDb page, Flay has been a part of scripted TV shows in the past, including the popular series, Entourage. You're welcome.

