Aldi's Shortcut Cinnamon Donut Sticks Have Everyone Talking

2020 will undoubtedly go down in history books as one, giant almost-apocalypse, in which celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay made a puzzling decision to host a game show. But in a footnote at least (perhaps alongside Starbuck's WAP lattes), Aldi's new cinnamon donut sticks dough with icing will appear as tiny, mouthwatering silver linings. If they're not at your local Aldi yet, don't go into panic mode. Aisle of Shame assures us that they'll hit most Aldi's stores by October 21, 2020. 


Here's what we know. Bake House Creations' newest Aldi phenomenon are refrigerated sticks of "naturally flavored" dough, waiting longingly for your stovetop. Fry them up with some cooking oil and then use the frosting that comes included to create your very own, deliciously hot donuts (via Instagram). At $1.49 per can, and with 0 grams of trans fat, you can afford to treat yourself to more than one of these babies. Trust us when we tell you that we haven't been this excited since Aldi's started selling Sweet Saphire Grapes.

How Aldi fans are reacting to it's new, cinnamon donut sticks

If your local Aldi has them in stock, but you can't find them, try looking "near the refrigerated crescent rolls and deli meats," like one Instagrammer did. When you do lay your hands on them, snap up as many cans of Bake House's Cinnamon Donut Sticks as you think you'll want. Aldi says that quantities are limited. 


Wondering if they're really worth it? The premade donut dough made it onto Instagram on October 20, and social media hasn't been the same since. Beyond the "oh my words!"  the "oo gotta find theses," the "need these asaps" and the"it's time to go visit Aldi agains," those who have already tried Bake House's donut sticks sough are raving. "Just made these Sunday. My kids loved them!!!," gushed one, satisfied customer. "Everyone go buy these. Made them this morning and they lasted about five minutes," wrote another one,  "everyone loved them! Trying the next batch with some bacon wrapped around them!" Bacon-wrapped cinnamon donuts? This sounds like the pinnacle of decadence. 

