The Trendy Hot Chocolate Bomb You Can Get At Costco

There's a new trend spreading across TikTok, and it has everything to do with one of the best classic drinks of the winter holiday season. Though we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving to celebrate before we head into winter, these trendy hot chocolate bombs from Costco are already getting people excited for a mug. It's the perfect way to snuggle up for a cozy night in with your favorite holiday movies queued up (via Delish).


Whether you prefer hot chocolate or hot cocoa, this product combines both into one, and it's oh-so-satisfying to watch. Those who love a good bath bomb will love this new Costco item — which is essentially an edible version — even more. Glamour states that the Cocoa Bombs are simply chocolate spheres that melt in warm milk. Once the chocolate subsides, it releases hot cocoa mix, marshmallows, and other flavors and treats into your mug. It's certainly a luxurious and aesthetically pleasing way to enjoy a chocolatey beverage. While you could make these at home if you're particularly good in the kitchen, Costco's 16-count box makes them dangerously easy to enjoy. If you just can't get enough of watching these bombs unfurl in your own mug, you can always head over to TikTok to browse through #hotcocoabomb for some seriously hypnotizing videos.


Here's what you need to know about Costco's new Cocoa Bombs

If you just can't wait to get your hands on a box of these Cocoa Bombs, then there are a few things you should know before you head out to your local Costco. According to Delish, each 16-count box is only $19, making them a little more than $1 each. Honestly, it's a total steal, especially if you've ever put in the hard work to make these yourself. Each bomb is festively wrapped in red, green, gold, or silver foil, so these small treats could be the perfect hostess gift to stock up on before the holiday season begins.


Though you might think it's hard to beat classic hot cocoa, there are actually a few different flavors in the boxes of bombs. She Knows says that the variety box includes flavors such as milk chocolate, salted caramel, strawberry, and s'mores, all of which sound pretty delicious to us. The only thing you might want to pick up to add to your cup once it's all mixed together is some whipped cream. So be sure to get several of these boxes if you see them at your local Costco, chances are you'll want to have a couple Cocoa Bombs for yourself and a few extra to share with others.

