This Is What Happens When You Drink A Margarita Every Day

Whether it's cooling off by the pool during a summertime heatwave or an escape to a beachy tropical paradise, there are more than a few occasions to enjoy multiple days of margaritas. Don't let the fact that the godfather of Margaritaville, Jimmy Buffet, has given up on the cocktail (via People) deter you entirely. Here's a look at the pluses and minuses of drinking fresh lime juice, triple sec, and tequila on a daily basis.


According to The Daily Meal, a margarita made with freshly squeezed lime juice is going to contribute towards a healthy daily dose of vitamin C. The benefits of citrus are big. Dig in a little deeper and you'll find that lime juice contains additional healthy elements including antioxidants, immunity boosters, and even factors that can keep your skin glowing and reduce the risk of heart disease (via Healthline).

Of course, there is a downside to consuming all of that citrus. The Chicago Tribune warns that overdoing margs (and other highly acidic beverages) while in the summer sun can lead to a nasty condition called phytophotodermatitis otherwise known as "margarita dermatitis." The thinking behind this theory is that when lime juice comes into contact with skin, the sun heats it up making for a painful rash.


The medicinal benefits of margaritas don't end here

Whether you're diagnosed celiac or looking to avoid next-day bloat, tequila is naturally gluten-free. Many spirits that are distilled from wheat cause stomach irritating symptoms (via Huffington Post). Tequila, which is distilled from agave, is less likely to cause bloating or other uncomfortable digestive issues.


Speaking of digestive health, The Independent notes that agave has been found to have levels of inulin, a dietary fiber that builds beneficial bacteria which assist in absorbing nutrition in a healthful manner. Bookending large meals with shots of tequila is one way to make for a smoother digestive experience.

The medicinal benefits of margaritas don't end there. A 2017 study by the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Mexico found that tequila can improve bone health (via New York Post). This study found that the fructans from the agave plant could possibly revitalize bone growth in those suffering from osteoporosis. But as Harvard Health Publishing points out, these studies were done on mice, so they should be considered highly preliminary — for now.


If you're scared of hangovers, consider mixing a margarita

Sugary drinks are generally linked to horrible hangovers, but if you stick with quality tequila for your daily margarita, the next day might very well be manageable. According to Forbes, choosing a 100% agave tequila produced in the Mexican state of Jalisco is going to treat margarita drinkers much better than a cheaper option that's made with the addition of other alcohols. When it comes to circumventing margarita induced hangovers, understanding the difference between types of tequilas is key.


The Daily Meal shares further insight into why the type of tequila you're mixing into your margarita has a big impact on just how much of a hangover you're looking at the morning after. The explanation has to do with cheaper tequilas mixing vodka with their agave base, making for a not so nice combo of low-grade spirits.

Tequila isn't the only ingredient contributing to the margarita's claim to hangover fame. The Daily Meal notes that sugary margaritas (and sweet drinks in general) are known to dehydrate, a major factor in the wake up feeling-not-so-great game.

When thinking about margarita mixers, Bustle suggests steering clear of hangover-inducing bottled stuff in favor of a minimalist take on the cocktail that combines tequila, fresh lime, and stevia as a sweetener.


It's best to stick with the homemade margs

While the jury's still out on the benefits of daily tequila consumption, and there's no arguing about the detriments of overdoing it, alcohol-wise (via Cleveland Clinic), if you do decide to indulge in a daily margarita, it's best to stick with homemade options rather than the kind you find in the multicolored frozen drink machines spinning behind the bar.


Very Well Fit notes that portion size can be a problem when it comes to highly caloric restaurant margaritas. Depending on the serving size, when ordered out, one margarita can be the equivalent of two cocktails. Made with fresh ingredients at home, a margarita can come in at a reasonable 150 calorie count. On the other hand, ordering, say, a sugar-rimmed Strawberry Lobsterita from Red Lobster, weighs in at a whopping 500 calories with 82 grams of carbs.

If the calorie count alone isn't enough to make you rethink that marg, Women's Health offers a play-by-play of how the body breaks down sugar and alcohol. Spoiler: It doesn't end well. Doubling down on the not so healthful aspects of a daily margarita, The Insider explains that oftentimes store bought mixes contain twice as many calories as the tequila that gives them their kick.


If you are counting calories, tequila has the upper hand over many spirits. Healthline endorses the agave-based spirit for its relatively low calorie and sugar content along with being free of carbohydrates.

