Ben & Jerry's Just Made A Huge Change To Its Most Popular Ice Cream Flavors

First, said the press release, came Cherry Garcia. Next up is More Cherry Garcia deliciousness, Phish Food, Chunky Monkey, Vanilla Caramel Fudge, Karamel Sutra, New York Super Fudge Chunk, Coffee, Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz!, Vanilla, and Pistachio.


If you're dry heaving right now, terrified that your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavors are going to change, relax. All the flavors are getting is a significant addition to their packaging: a new logo. Ben & Jerry's,  says Jody Eley, Ben & Jerry's Innovation Manager, is trying to give "peace of mind" to a market of consumers who "have to be very careful with their diet." We'll give you another hint. Statista estimates that this particular, diet-conscious market is worth a massive $7.59 billion worldwide, and $1.77 billion in the United States. In 2017, Forbes wrote that it had 3.1 million adherents. 

Have you guessed? This fall, Ben & Jerry's most popular ice cream flavors will officially bear gluten-free certifications. "We didn't make any changes to the recipes — they're the same scoops of wonderful that they've always been," Eley assured fans, "but now we have the resources to do the rigorous testing required for certification." 


Can you get gluten free Ben & Jerry's at a scoop shop?

Next year you can get gluten free Ben & Jerry's at a scoop shop. According to Ben & Jerry's, in 2021 its Scoop Shops will begin to carry certified gluten-free Butter Pecan, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Buttery Swirl, Coffee, Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz!, Mint Chocolate Chunk, Oatmeal Cookie Chunk (made with gluten-free oatmeal cookies), Strawberry, Lemonade Stand Sorbet, Non-Dairy Cold Brew, and Berry Berry Extraordinary Sorbet flavors. Of course, these flavors will only be certified gluten-free as "manufactured." Because ice cream scoops can cross-contaminate flavors, Ben & Jerry's can't certify them as gluten-free once they reach your favorite Ben & Jerry's joint. Don't look so glum, chum. According to its press release, Ben & Jerry's "scoopers are happy to open a fresh tub for interested fans." 


Cause for celebration? Plenty of the ice cream chain's fans think so. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I've been waiting for this day for 15 years!!," celebrated one Ben & Jerry's Twitter follower. "This is awesome! A very much needed progress for us with food allergies," toasted another." This is amazing!!," gushed a third, "[I] recently went gluten-free so this makes me really happy."

