These Are The Most Underrated Cuts Of Lamb

If you want to have lamb for dinner, and you don't want to break the bank or reuse the same old recipe you've been cooking for years now, consider one of these overlooked, underrated cuts to switch things up and save money.


For an inexpensive cut that's full of flavor, try asking your butcher for a neck fillet. London-based butchers shop Morley Butchers says that these fillets "are often underrated and as a result inexpensive," and they're great for stewing and braising. Grocery ethics blog Farmdrop agrees: "The neck fillet is often underrated and inexpensive as it takes a little longer cooking than other popular cuts — but it's the marbling through the cut that gives all the flavor." 

How do you make sure you're getting the most flavor? Farmdrop suggests cooking the whole neck long and slow to guarantee a tender meal. If you chop it into chunks, the neck works well in curries and stews. The site also suggests marinading the neck cubes "in a rub of ground coriander, cumin, sumac, and [chili] before pushing onto skewers and flaming over the BBQ for wonderful homemade kebab."  


You can save Earth while saving money

According to The Guardian, you can score a great deal on lamb breast, which "many butchers literally just throw away."  Since most people don't realize how tasty and flavorful the breast can be, it can be super inexpensive. Plus, by ordering it, you'll be keeping it from going to waste. Just because it's often thrown out, however, doesn't mean it's garbage. The Guardian describes lamb breast as "a dream cut of meat savored secretly by many chefs." It's full of flavor, and depending on the butcher, you can buy it for a great price.


The Guardian also suggests asking your butcher to debone the meat for you and give you the bones separately since they can be used to create a tasty sauce. Place the lamb breast on top of the bones, top it with wine, and throw in some vegetables, and slow roast it for a delicious, hearty meal. If you can cook pork belly, you can cook lamb breast. As Farmdrop explains, "Treat as you would pork belly and you're away to go — the layer of fat brings oodles of flavor and helps to tenderize the meat as it cooks." 

So next time you're at the butcher trying to figure out how to get the most bang for your buck, try ordering lamb neck or breast. These flavorful, inexpensive cuts may become an essential part of your repertoire. 


