Aldi's New Bottled Water Has A Surprising Secret Ingredient

Forever running late? What if you could save time, and combine the caffeine kick you crave from coffee with a refreshing bottle of water? Aldi is granting your wish, by selling a caffeinated water product called Water Joe, according to Delish. The 1-liter bottle contains 120 milligrams of caffeine, which is roughly 20 milligrams more than a typical 8-ounce cup of coffee.


Aldi fan @aldi.mademedoit posted about Water Joe on Instagram, and followers added their own opinions about the water. One saying that her husband stopped coffee and switched to the caffeinated waters. Another said that it just tasted like water, but gave her a pick-me-up in the afternoon. Still, another commented that she didn't like the taste. It's clear that many will need to form their own opinions on this one. Is this a growing trend in water, and can we expect more of our H2O to contain caffeine in the future?

Are there other caffeinated waters?

Caffeinated waters are not new. In fact, Water Joe claims to have debuted the world's first caffeinated water in 1996. Now, even the big beverage players have caffeinated waters: Coca-Cola has AHA, with 30 milligrams of caffeine. Keurig Dr. Pepper recently acquired Limitless, a caffeinated water maker, according to Just Drinks. And PepsiCo announced on Instagram that it would introduce a caffeinated version of Bubly soon.


While it's generally considered safe to consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, according to Healthline, listen to your body, and lower your intake if you feel anxious, dehydrated, or jittery. Meanwhile, those who detest coffee, but love caffeine, rejoice! Others who love coffee, but need to drink more water, according to their dear old doc, you can have your cake and eat it, too. Caffeinated water may finally be the answer to that lethargic morning commute and 3 o'clock afternoon slump. Bottoms up!

