Walmart's $5 Wines Have Everyone Talking

Everyone knows about Trader Joe's infamous "Two Buck Chuck" discount wine, but did you know you can now get a super affordable bottle of wine at discount superstore Walmart as well? Eat This, Not That! states that the company is launching a special line of their house wine brand Winemakers Selection (yes, Walmart has a house wine) which will only cost $5 per bottle! This revamped $5 line will include five core styles: two whites (a Chardonnay and a Pinot Grigio,) one Rosé, and two reds (a Cabernet Sauvignon and a blend.) All of these $5 wines are produced in California.


According to Eat This, Not That!, Walmart's Winemakers Selection wines originally debuted in 2018. Initially, there were 10 varieties available which were priced around $11 per bottle and sourced from California, Italy, and France. The outlet asserts that this $11 price tag was a bit too steep for Walmart customers though, leading the company to reevaluate their offerings. Jason Fremstad, the vice president of adult beverage for Walmart, told Grocery Dive, "This relaunch is all about our customers, simplifying the branding, making it clearer, making sure the items are what our customers are looking for, and then of course over-delivering on the quality of wine for the price."

These $5 Walmart wines will be available both in stores and online

Grocery Dive states that, while Walmart is not pulling the remaining stock of the original Winemakers Selection wines priced at $11 each from stores, they have almost entirely sold through and will now be focusing exclusively on the new $5 offerings. In addition to the lower price and smaller selection, the company has also redesigned the bottle labels for the line, making them easier to identify on shelves. A Walmart spokesperson told Grocery Dive that the new and improved Winemakers Selection wines will be available in all Walmart locations where wine is currently sold — around 2,600 stores nationwide. Eat This, Not That! also confirmed that the discount line will be available for purchase online.


How do the wines taste? Well, if they're anything like Walmart's original Winemakers Select wines, pretty decent. Back in 2018 when the line was first introduced, Bloomberg had a wine critic review the company's house wines. They declared the line to be much better than they expected after hearing the phrase "Walmart discount wine."

