This Is The Best Reason To Drink Coffee According To Science

Americans consume over 400 million cups of coffee on any given day (via e-importz). If you were to ask someone why they drink coffee, most people would either say because they like the taste or for the caffeine. It's really that simple. Coffee drinkers are not that complex. Most of us will willingly admit we need that pick-me-up in the morning to kick-start the day. And surveys support this notion. In 2017, coffee drinkers in the U.S. were asked via an online survey that allowed multiple answers about why they drink this dark beverage (via Statista). Sixty-two percent of java drinkers said they liked the way it tastes while 58 percent saying that it wakes them up. Forty-six percent who cited pure pleasure. 


But with all the money, time, and effort that's been invested in studies to determine the benefits and detriments of drinking coffee, it might surprise you to learn that only seven percent responded they consumed it because it is a "healthy drink" and a mere five percent of coffee drinkers checked the box "for health reasons." Well, it looks like the science may be catching up to our population's motivations.

Drink coffee for that morning jolt

According to a new study that was published in July 2020 by the New England Journal of Medicine, "current evidence" doesn't warrant advising people to drink coffee for disease prevention, but it could form part of a "healthy lifestyle" if not consumed in excess (the meaning of which will vary across individuals). While disease prevention probably shouldn't be a coffee drinker's end game, the study found that it may be beneficial to drink this caffeinated beverage for increasing energy and boosting metabolism. That's good for those of us who like the jolt our cup of joe provides, and the fact that it appears to boost our metabolism is just icing on the cake. It also comports with and reinforces the findings cited by Healthline.  Meanwhile, UPI interprets the findings to mean you should drink coffee because you want to.


Coffee has been implicated in the development of cancer and cardiovascular problems in the past, but this new study suggests drinking your favorite morning brew will not increase your risk. Instead, moderate consumption – as long as you aren't pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a health condition is not detrimental to your health. In fact, one of the chief writers of the study said that depending on individual caffeine sensitivity, nonpregnant coffee drinkers may be okay drinking up to five eight-ounce cups of coffee in a day. However, it's important to know your caffeine limits to avoid adverse effects. So drink your java, but drink responsibly.

