You Should Be Buying Iceberg Lettuce. Here's Why

Move over romaine - iceberg lettuce is actually as cool as its name. Once the most highly consumed lettuce in America (from the late 1800s onward), iceberg lettuce ceded its crown as the queen of lettuce in the 1970s (via The New Yorker). 


Despite a really bad reputation – it is often called the "polyester of lettuces" - and low profile on restaurant menus, iceberg lettuce has its merits. Taste praises three above all others: flavor, texture, and versatility.

Let's start with texture. Did you know that iceberg lettuce is also known as crisphead lettuce? It grows in a compact sphere that closely resembles cabbage (via The Spruce Eats). Iceberg lettuce's thick overlapping leaves are extremely sturdy, which some detractors point to as a negative. They claim iceberg lettuce is only good for its long-distance ship-ability. On the plus side, however, iceberg delivers a mighty crackle. Impressively, it stays crisp under the weight of slippery buttermilk dressing and salty bacon in the one iceberg lettuce recipe that has seemingly never gone out of vogue – the wedge salad.


Iceberg lettuce is versatile and delicious

Iceberg lettuce can take the heat. Its dense structure is prized by those in the know for holding up when the going gets hot. Sprinkle shredded iceberg lettuce atop your fresh-from-the-fryer tilapia in a taco or layer it on your straight-from-the grill burger and you won't be disappointed by a soggy bite. Iceberg lettuce withstands steam and then some. You can even cook it. Char it on the grill or serve it as a stand-in for noodles in a broth. In a popular Chinese New Year dish, iceberg lettuce is stir-fried with soy sauce, sesame oil, and rice wine vinegar (via Saveur). In short, iceberg lettuce is a supremely versatile green.


But what about taste? Iceberg lettuce is often underrated when it comes to flavor. Critics are quick to point out that it's mostly water and move along to more assertive greens, like kale and arugula. Iceberg lettuce may be mild, but that is not synonymous with blandness. The Millers Tale appreciates the overlooked nuances of iceberg lettuce, praising it as "cool, clean, and delicate" with just a hint of bitterness. The Spruce Eats recommends its sweet flavor and delectable crunch for lettuce wraps and points out yet another reason to love iceberg lettuce: its price point. It is often cheaper than other lettuces and, thanks to its controversial texture, lasts longer in the fridge.

