Prince Harry's Trick For Perfectly Crispy Bacon

Bacon is one of those amazing foods that can be eaten at any time of the day. Its very aroma can make your nose hairs tingle and a house smell like what one might imagine a whiff of paradise smells like. It's pretty amazing. So, it should come as no surprise that we all have our preferences for how bacon is cooked. Some like it soft and chewy, while others prefer that first bite of fatty, salty goodness to be crispy and crunchy. 


Even members of the royal family have preferences when it comes to bacon. Prince Harry may have a fancy title, but he is just like us. Yes, even Harry is pretty particular about the way his bacon is made. In an interview with Food & Wine, Darren McGrady, a Savoy Hotel-trained chef who worked in the kitchen at Buckingham Palace for 15 years as the head chef for Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana, and Princes William and Harry, revealed that it was a young 8-year-old Prince Harry who taught him the most excellent trick to make bacon perfectly crispy after Harry had returned from a trip to the Magic Kingdom (via The Royal Chef).  

Prince Harry likes his bacon microwaved

"We serve the same bacon you can get in the states, and I broil it just the same. But Prince Harry said to me, 'We had it in America at Disney World, and it's so crispy you can snap it. You have to broil it first, and then you have to put it in some paper towels and place it in the microwave for a minute.' And I thought, yeah, OK, thank you, you little brat, teaching me how to cook. But as soon as he was gone, I tried it, and I got this amazingly crispy bacon," McGrady recounted to Food & Wine.


McGrady said once he learned this method, it became his go-to and he never looked back. While talking about his cookbook, The Royal Chef at Home: Easy Seasonal Entertaining, McGrady also shared that both Prince William and Harry enjoyed peanut butter and jelly muffins that he would bake and top with the crispy bacon. Wish we could score a royal invite to share some of those. They sound delish! Meanwhile, Harry also enjoyed his specially-prepared bacon served alongside eggs and toast.

