Stouffer's Just Announced Mac On Tap. Here's What You Need To Know

Remember the classic Stouffer's jingle that told you "nothing comes closer to home" than their food? You just knew when you heard those words that eating Stouffer's products would always feel like someone was lovingly hugging your tummy from the inside. Of course, not all foods are equally good huggers. For instance, Stouffer's animal crackers might make you feel guilty inside for devouring what look like helpless creatures trapped in a cramped zoo. Even worse, they may be endangered species that go extinct after you eat them. By contrast, mac and cheese is the best kind of guilty pleasure, the creamier the better. Today calls it "pretty much the ultimate comfort food."


Obviously, it doesn't get better than "ultimate." Or at least it didn't until June 26, 2020. On that fateful day, Stouffer's announced the coming of Mac on Tap, a food dispenser that pours warm mac and cheese like beer, which you may recognize as the ultimate comfort drink, as countless bar tabs can probably attest.

When can you expect to see Stouffer's Mac on Tap?

Stouffer's unveiled Mac on Tap via Twitter just weeks before National Mac and Cheese Day, which falls on July 14. But that doesn't mean people will get to celebrate by pouring themselves a beer glass full of steamy, cheesy pasta. The details of the rollout are currently pretty nebulous. A spokesperson would only acknowledge that it was set for debut sometime in 2020. Not capitalizing on a day that seems tailor-made for their product would seem like a huge missed opportunity, though.


Another great date might be Thanksgiving, known to many waistlines as "Can't Fit My Pants" Eve. The desire to spend less time cooking and more time overeating with your family sounds like a great excuse to have mac and cheese in binge-drinkable form. Of course, that assumes that Stouffer's Mac on Tap will be closer to your home than, say, to a fast-food joint, which isn't guaranteed at the moment.

Stouffer's has sought feedback about where to set up the dispensers. The possibilities mentioned by Today include weddings, gas stations, burger joints, and people's homes. If the company gets it right, nothing will come closer to a home run.

