The Real Difference Between Greek Yogurt And Regular Yogurt

Both Greek yogurt and regular yogurt are staples for breakfast (and any meal or snack) in a number of countries around the world, and can be eaten plain or with additions like nuts, granola, honey, jam, or fruit mixed in. Both varieties also come with fruit on the bottom in many instances. Greek yogurt starts its life the exact same way as regular yogurt. It comes from cow's milk, and is cultured with enzymes to produce yogurt (via My Fearless Kitchen). However, there's a significant difference between the two, which has to do with the texture and consistency. Regular yogurt is transformed into Greek yogurt when it's strained three times instead of two. 


Michael Harad, Yoplait's marketing director explained another key difference to CBS Local: "Greek yogurt does have a higher cost of ingredients. It has more milk. That's what gets you a lot of protein." With more protein, people believe they may be getting a healthier yogurt.

The health benefits of greek yogurt vs. regular yogurt

Indeed, the protein content of Greek yogurt tends to be around double the amount of regular yogurt. Sharon P. Banta, a registered dietitian, told US News, "Greek yogurt is better than regular yogurt because it's higher in protein."


Greek yogurt also offers less carbs than regular yogurt; about half as much, according to US News. Fat is where Greek yogurt outweighs regular, so to speak. If you are trying to cut fat, look for low-fat or non-fat options, since fat content tends to be high with Greek yogurt. You'll also typically find less sodium in Greek yogurt, although regular yogurt can pack more calcium per serving than its Greek counterpart. Overall, Greek yogurt comes away the winner with health benefits, even boasting fewer calories on average.

Be wary of added sugar in all kinds of yogurt. If you want to get the maximum health benefit, you'll opt for plain yogurt (gross, we know), and mix in fruit and perhaps nuts at home.


