Here's Why You Should Start Eating More Lemons

Do you know why lemons made it big? During the 1918 influenza pandemic that took the lives of between 20 and 50 million people worldwide (via History), hot lemonade was touted as a miracle cure (via Atlas Obscura). It was so popular that people started sucking the juice straight from the fruit. It was in such high demand that, in New York State, opportunists pushed prices so high that officials had to step in and lower them. 


To be fair, 1918 wasn't the first time that lemons made a splash on the medical scene. Back in 1747, lemons gained star status as an effective treatment for scurvy (via BBC). Still not convinced in the power of the lemon? Before that, lemons were so popular in ancient Rome that having them on your table was a symbol of wealth and power (via LiveScience). Then there's the fact that women have long coveted lemons for their supposed ability to stop or delay their menstrual cycles (via The Access Project). 

And with Jennifer Anniston singing the lemon water's praises (via Well + Good), don't you think its time you hopped on the lemon bandwagon?       

Why eating more lemons can make a big difference in your day-to-day life

What, exactly, can lemons do for you? 

First, drinking lemon juice isn't going to make up for downing three donuts and a Frappuccino on your morning breakfast run. That said, it can boost your metabolism and help you maintain healthy body weight (via The Edison Institute of Nutrition). Why? Lemons are rich in potassium, which helps you break down proteins and fats (via Forbes). 


Second, lemons have surprising antibacterial properties (via LiveScience). According to the Institute of Physics, these antibacterial properties can "inhibit diarrhea-causing pathogens." It's also scientifically proven to help prevent kidney stones (via Medical News Today). 

Third, according to a report published in Oxidative Medicine and Celular Longevity, eating more lemons may help treat cardiovascular disease. That's no small feat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that one person dies of heart disease every 37 seconds in the United States. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the country.   

What's the moral of the story? Ancient Romans may have been on to something. Just don't go ordering lemon water at restaurants. Researchers have found that when lemon slices aren't cleaned or stored properly, they can be carriers of dangerous viruses and bacteria. 


