Trader Joe's 3-Ingredient Corn Cookie Recipe Is A Game Changer

Given the fact that sweet corn contains some 18 percent sugar (via Healthline) and there's a booming industry that profits off of the conversation of corn to a particularly maligned sweetener known as high-fructose corn syrup (via Healthline), it would make sense that at some point, someone would try and mass-market a cookie made out of the popular vegetable. And who better to make a baking mix for such a cookie than Trader Joe's, which introduces dozens of new and creative products annually?


Popping up on a number of blogs and Instagram accounts dedicated to all things Trader Joe's is the newly introduced Trader Joe's Corn Cookie Baking Mix (via Instagram). It comes in a yellow cardboard can and has a photo of a cookie on the label that could be easily mistaken for a sugar cookie.

The Trader Joe's Corn Cookie Baking Mix is extraordinarily easy to whip up at home using only the mix and two other ingredients for an amazingly simply three-ingredient recipe that really delivers on homemade taste.

The nutritional value of the Trader Joe's corn cookie

According to a sign on the shelf below the cookie mix, captured in a photo that someone had taken of the mix, the recipe for these incredible corn cookies is super easy — all that you need to add is an egg and a few sticks of butter.


Keep your eye out for this one on store shelves and presumably at some point in the pages of the Trader Joe's monthly newsletter, the Fearless Flyer (via Trader Joe's). Though it's not yet listed on the Trader Joe's website, the mix costs $2.99 for a 23.7-ounce container, which contains enough mix for two dozen cookies (via Best Products). 

While corn is full of sugar, sweet corn also contains a number of different B vitamins including vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, and vitamin B9. So while it's a cookie, and while a Trader Joe's corn cookie has 11 grams of added sugar, take solace in the fact that you're taking in a couple of vitamins as well.

