Here's What Happens When You Drink Vodka Every Day

Vodka is categorized as a neutral grain spirit and can be made from either potatoes or grain. Although no one can be sure of the origins of the beverage, it's believed that the drink came from either Poland or Russia in either the 8th or 9th century (via Encyclopedia Britannica). The first recorded reference to the drink dates back to Russia in the 14th century. 


As with many spirits, vodka is a drinking option for those who are unable to consume gluten because the distillation process results in a gluten-free beverage. Because of its neutral flavor and pureness, vodka is popular when mixed with many other beverages such as tonic water or cranberry juice, and is also enjoyed neat. 

Consuming anything every day is sure to result in health effects one way or another, but especially so with something as strong as vodka, which tends to have an alcohol by volume percentage of between 40 and 95 (via Sunrise House). 

You could get sick more often if you drink vodka every day

Because alcohol, if consumed in large quantities for extended periods of time, suppresses the immune system, regular consumption of a particularly strong spirit such as vodka will lead to issues with fighting off bacterias and viruses. How does this manifest? You may notice that you have more colds, cases of flu, and other sicknesses than usual (via Cleveland Clinic). Alcohol damages the immune cells of the lungs and the tiny hairs in the airways that clear viruses and bacteria out of the body (via Healthline). When the airways of the body are damaged, it becomes easier for viruses and bacteria to gain an entrance to the body and make people sick. The gut flora in the stomach also plays an important role in the body's immune system response, and alcohol can damage the microorganisms that live in the stomach, further weakening the immune response.


You may find that you are becoming dependent on alcohol

Drinking significant amounts of alcohol over a long period of time can result in dependency on alcohol or alcohol addiction. The longer the period of regular consumption is sustained, the higher chance of developing a dependency. If the condition is serious enough, the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can include nervousness, tremors, and irregular heartbeat. Extreme cases of alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include seizures, delirium, and hallucinations. As a result, people who want to seek treatment for alcohol dependency often require professional help. Even if a full-blown addiction or dependency isn't developed, long-term effects of drinking vodka every day can result in other neurological symptoms such as anxiety, memory problems, and depression (via Addiction Campuses). 


On the other end of the spectrum, studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption can help to clear toxins in the brain, including those which lead to Alzheimer's disease (via Science Daily).

You may not need to use mouthwash if you drink vodka every day

Because alcohol in high concentrations serves as a disinfectant — Listerine is made up of more than 20 percent alcohol (via Listerine) —your nightly vodka, if you drink it straight, may be able to replace the use of a mouthwash. Of course, it won't result in the same minty aftertaste. "Vodka is an antiseptic," a registered nurse told The List. "If you swish vodka around in your mouth a bit before swallowing, your dental hygiene might improve." 


At the same time, a large portion of oral cancers are caused by alcohol use (via The National Institute of Health). A groundbreaking study from the 1980s revealed that Utah, with a high population of Mormons (who don't drink or smoke), had significantly lower rates of oral cancer than the rest of the country (via The Oral Cancer Foundation).

You might develop fatty liver or a more serious liver disease

Some 90 percent of people who drink more than 1.5 ounces of alcohol on a daily basis develop fatty liver, which is the first stage of liver disease that can progress to liver fibrosis and lead to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis brought on by alcohol abuse resulted in 348,000 global deaths in 2015 (via United States National Library of Medicine) and the disease has been increasing rapidly as a cause of deaths among young people in the United States (via BMJ). While in its later stages, it's difficult to reverse cirrhosis, it is possible to change course in the early stages if the cause (i.e. alcohol abuse) is identified and treated. The first stage, fatty liver, is completely reversible, if alcohol is taken out of the daily routine for between a month and a month and a half. Symptoms of liver problems can include jaundice, weight loss, and pain in the right side of the abdomen.


You may feel less stressed if you drink vodka

Life is stressful; haven't you heard? Although there's no denying drinking too much vodka is unhealthy on many levels, it must be said that imbibing once in a while is a stress reliever. And we're not just saying that. A study actually proved drinking vodka is more relaxing than sipping wine.  


Meanwhile, enjoying a cocktail is more than just a nice stress reliever. Drinking vodka in moderation can improve circulation, and reduce your risk for suffering a stroke or getting blood clots, as well as reduce cholesterol, and even improve your overall heart health (via Town & Country). Another study found drinking alcohol like vodka helps to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. But let's be honest; if you drink several vodkas every single day, the benefits vodka might afford will be wiped out by the excess. It's clear stress-relieving and health benefits are meaningful in the context of responsible consumption, not binge drinking.

You could live longer if you drink vodka

According to Verywell Health, consuming two drinks per day can be beneficial to your health, and may even increase your lifespan. Of course, someone can take creative liberties with what two drinks equals. In this case, it's about two standard-size shots of vodka. If you exceed that amount you are likely to feel foggy during the next day, and may become dependent on your next drink. These red flags can lead to more long term problems as discussed, like liver disease, cancer, and high blood pressure (via 


