What To Expect As Costco Reopens Its Food Courts

Throughout the novel coronavirus pandemic, there have been a number of changes at Costco, but the latest change is the start of a return to normalcy. Over the course of the pandemic, the big-box retailer has made adjustments as needed in response to the virus's development. Things like changing store hours, altering their membership policy, increased sanitation measures, enforcing social distancing in the store, requiring customers to wear masks, and allowing first responders to cut lines with ID (via Delish).


As states begin to reopen, Costco is adjusting its policies too all while keeping safety in mind. The wholesale retailer's latest change is to reopen the food courts — there are some restrictions, however. While the popular food courts are open again, one limitation is how the food is sold. No dine-in customers are allowed, which means all orders are for takeout only at this time (via Costco), which means that although hungry shoppers can still pick up a bite after shopping, they will still need to take it home with them (or at least to the car) before chowing down.

The one major catch to Costco's reopened food courts

The one other major catch to Costco's reopened food courts is the menu. During the novel coronavirus pandemic and before the food courts were open again, only whole pizzas were being sold. Now, Costco's food courts are selling a limited menu that goes beyond full-sized pizzas (via Fox Business).


In addition to full pizzas, the food courts at Costco feature a menu that allows customers to buy hot dogs, sodas, full cheese or pepperoni pizzas, and individual slices of cheese or pepperoni pizza. Remember, these are all still only takeout menu items. It is possible, however, to ask staff for available condiments that might be on hand.

It might not be a full return to business as usual at the food court, but Costco pizza lovers are pretty happy about the news. Hopefully, some of the other popular dishes on the menu will make an appearance on the limited menu with time.

