Here's How Much Nicholas Tse Is Really Worth

Hong Kong-born Nicholas Tse has done more in 39 years than most people do in a lifetime. He has found fame as an actor, a martial artist, a singer-songwriter, an entrepreneur, and a chef. He is best known for his action movies and Mandarin and Cantonese language records, but something clicked for him when he was watching a cooking show. 


He told CNN that he was inspired to try cooking in the early 2010s when he was watching a food show that said that soufflés and profiteroles are among the hardest things to make in the kitchen. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Tse decided he was going to take up cooking then and there (via CNN). He taught himself to cook, and shortly thereafter, opened a bakery in downtown Hong Kong. Once he was firmly entrenched in the food world, he also started a television program called Chef Nic, which features guest appearances by famous peers including fellow movie star Jackie Chan.

The net worth of Nicholas Tse

Estimates place Nicholas Tse's net worth at $131 million (via Variety), and given his numerous talents he has a great many income streams. In an article reporting the sale of his post-production company in 2014 for $16 million, Tse was called one of Hong Kong's most "business savvy performers," which is certainly saying something in a country known for commerce and entrepreneurs. 


However, the recent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong likely took a bite out of Tse's bank statement. Tse announced that he would be closing both the flagship store of Chef Nic's Cookies, located in Hong Kong's Central district, as well as the pop-up locations around the rest of Hong Kong (via Straits Times). While he plans to sell the cookies online going forward, not having the brick and mortar locations available will almost certainly result in a drastic drop in sales.

