Here's How To Get Girl Scout Cookies During Self-Isolation

There are many downsides to lockdowns and self-isolation, even if we do know that it's for the best. We've lost access to our favorite restaurants and bars (though many are still offering takeout, if you're looking for a way to support them); we're not able to browse supermarket aisles to look for new and notable things; and on the seasonal food front, social distancing means we've lost the opportunity to buy Girl Scout cookies from our neighborhood troop. 


But a scout's motto is "Be prepared," after all, so we shouldn't be surprised that the Girl Scouts of the USA have figured out a way to keep the cookie sales going. If you're craving the comfort of Thin Mints, Samoas, or Tagalongs you'll be happy to know that the organization has moved sales online through the Girl Scouts Cookie Care program, which allows you to buy cookies to donate or have them shipped to your home via the Digital Cookie platform (via USA Today).

Girl Scout cookie sales have moved online and onto social media

To help move inventory, virtual cookie booths have also been popping up on social media while both parents and scouts think of fun and innovative ways to make sales targets. Selling cookies is important for the Girl Scouts, since the pandemic came at the height of cookie season, and many boxes could remain unsold by the time the regular Girl Scout cookie season ends this month. A spokesperson for the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana told USA Today that by late last month, between 30,000 to 50,000 boxes of cookies remained unsold, which is between $150,000 to $250,000 worth of inventory.


With the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic affecting so many families, we can only imagine that proceeds from cookie sales are more important than ever, as the funds raised from the cookie sales are used to provide funding for programs that help 1.7 million girls across the country. "For 108 years, Girl Scouts has been there in times of crisis and turmoil. And today we are stepping forward with new initiatives to help girls, their families, and consumers connect, explore, find comfort, and take action," Girl Scouts of the USA CEO Sylvia Acevedo said via the organization's website.

