What's The Difference Between Marmite And Vegemite?

Marmite and Vegemite are well-loved in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, but if you're not from one of those countries, you have possibly never tasted or even heard of this spread outside of pop culture references. The Guardian describes Marmite as a thick, sticky paste made from yeast extract, which is a byproduct of beer brewing. This foodstuff was accidentally invented in 1902 by a German scientist. According to The Spruce, Vegemite is also a thick, yeast extract-based spread, but has added spices and vegetable flavors, hence the "vege" in Vegemite. They assert this version of the spread was invented by a chemist during World War I, due to the fact that there were supply disruptions on imported goods which caused a shortage of Marmite.


The Daily Meal claims both products are made using the same method of combining salt with a suspension of yeast and then heating it. This creates a rich paste which both companies then add their own proprietary blend of flavors, spices, and vitamins to. The Daily Meal refers to these spreads as a "superfood" due to the high concentration of vitamins present in both brands. Healthline describes the Vegemite as being sufficiently healthy and high in B vitamins and points out that while there is a decently large amount of sodium per serving, given the intense flavor, users rarely consume the full teaspoon suggested serving size.

How to eat Marmite and Vegemite

The Spruce claims that while both foodstuffs are based on chiefly the same ingredients and most commonly eaten in similar ways (spread thinly on sandwiches, crackers, and toast), they assert the two are actually quite distinct. They describe Marmite as a salty-sweet spread with a smooth and silky texture. They claim the flavor of Vegemite is quite salty as well, but more bitter and yeast-forward than Marmite.


According to The Culture Trip, there is a noticeable difference in the color and texture of the products. They describe Vegemite as being jet black and thick like peanut butter, while Marmite is more of a dark brown color with a syrup-like consistency similar to molasses, melted chocolate, or honey. They feel the flavor of Vegemite is more intense than Marmite, and should, therefore, be used even more sparingly than its British cousin. Chowhound recommends other less well-known ways to enjoy both spreads, including seasoning popcorn, stirred into congee, and even mixed into brownies.

