Pop-Tart Flavors You'll Sadly Never Get To Try Again

There are a lot of flavors of Pop-Tarts out there, and everyone has an opinion on which ones are the best. From Strawberry Milkshake to Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and good old-fashioned blueberry, there is always another flavor of Pop-Tart waiting to tickle your taste buds. However, there are a lot of choices that have come and gone and shall never again see the inside of a toaster. Yes, we're talking about the discontinued flavors, the flavors long gone, lost to time and memory. Some of these you may remember, and others may have completely gone by unnoticed, much to your bitter regret.


Pop-Tarts likes to come out with fake flavors a lot of the time, like Mom-Tarts and Sriracha, and people love to make up their own flavors on the internet. While there aren't any outrageously weird flavors on this list, some of them may have you either tilting your head or wishing you could have a taste, because of course that was a Pop-Tart flavor. Regardless of your reaction, we hope you enjoy reminiscing with us about these Pop-Tarts you're never going to be able to eat again. Sorry.

Wild! Watermelon Pop-Tarts

Wild! Watermelon Pop-Tarts had a short-lived, but flavorful life starting in 1997 and lasting around two years. Considering that watermelon is mostly made up of, you know, water, capturing that flavor profile isn't an easy task. Especially in a toaster pastry. Kellogg's went a rather artificial route, but also amped up the sour and sweet factor. Think of the filling as a watermelon slushie that has been turned into a paste. A tasty paste, especially when warmed. Warm watermelon may not sound all that appetizing, but this is a case where warming the Pop-Tart makes it taste better than not.


With the nostalgic resurgence of many snack foods from the '90s recently, there's a petition to bring back this flavor. Kellogg's sort of listened. In 2015, Frosted Watermelon Pop-Tarts came onto the market, a throwback to the Wild! Watermelon version of the '90s. They were a bit different however, and a lot more sour. Perhaps overwhelmingly so, according to some reviews. Alas, they were discontinued, as well.

Mint Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts

Most of the time Pop-Tarts are eaten straight out of the packet or heated up in the toaster. However, when Kellogg's released Mint Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts in 2006, they suggested that you freeze them. This is actually quite a popular way to eat Pop-Tarts it turns out, and you can even put them on a stick to make a Pop-Tart Popsicle. Pop-Tartsicle? Popsicle Tart? However you describe it, the idea definitely makes sense given that mint chocolate chip is one of the top five favorite ice cream flavors in the United States according to a Guardian poll from 2018


When you freeze a Pop-Tart, the frosting becomes snappy when you bite into it, and the filling solidifies, giving it something skin to an ice cream texture. What could be better for mint chocolate chip? This definitely made these Pop-Tarts come off more as a dessert than a breakfast pastry. It's an odd flavor for first thing in the morning, and that might be why they ultimately didn't work. People love mint chocolate chip, but maybe not with coffee.

Frosted Grape Pop-Tarts

Grape is a pretty common flavor among snack food and drinks, as a matter of fact, Concord Grape Pop-Tarts appeared in 1967, though they were later discontinued. So Pop-Tarts thought they'd try again with Frosted Grape, but they were discontinued in 2017. The reason for their demise is that they simply just weren't all that popular. Perhaps if they were, they could have returned, but alas, the grape Pop-Tarts have been left behind. 


Normally, grape flavored anything doesn't actually taste like grapes. When people eat grape flavored items, they expect that fake grape flavor. After all, it the grape flavor was invented back in 1890s, so our taste buds have grown accustomed to it, for better or for worse. For these Pop-Tarts, it was definitely for worse.

One thing that made these Pop-Tarts extra special was the fact that they sometimes came in a pack of three, not the typical two. Whether this was a marketing strategy for their limited edition offerings or just a fluke, who knows, but it was a nice surprise. After all, who is going to be upset about an extra Pop-Tart?

Frosted Chocolate Vanilla Crème Pop-Tarts

The life cycle of our next Pop-Tart is quite interesting. The chocolate Pop-Tarts with a vanilla cream filling are something of a cult hit. People either love them or think they're awfully boring. Whenever these would appear in stores, customers who were fans would literally hoard them because they didn't know the next time they would see them. See, the Frosted Chocolate Vanilla Crème Pop-Tarts tend to disappear and reappear at will. It's a toaster pastry that may induce whiplash.


Customer demand wasn't high enough to keep these on the market and they were discontinued in 2009. However, in a rare case of a successful protest, Kellogg's actually re-released the Chocolate Vanilla Crème Pop-Tarts for their 50th birthday in 2014. Then they disappeared again before being released as a Kroger exclusive in 2016. And now they're gone again. Why must Kellogg's keep doing this to us? If you didn't get a taste the first few rounds, maybe they'll bring it back yet again.

Ice Berry Blast Pop-Tarts

There have been a lot of themed Pop-Tarts thanks to brand partnerships, and usually they're unremarkable. However, the Ice Age 2 Pop-Tarts are ones we wish we could taste again. Ice Berry Blast Pop-Tarts had a blue filling that, yes, of course, turned your tongue purple. But better than that, it was a fun and new flavor. These specially branded Pop-Tarts debuted in 2006, and were available until March 31st, 2007, or until supplies lasted. This was because they were part of a mail-in prize marketing package for Ice Age 2. Branded Pop-Tarts are always an amusing things, some fans and consumers were rather surprised by the partnership.


The flavor of them was raspberry, as ice berries aren't actually a real thing and were just a marketing tie-in. The added sweetness of the frosting, and texture of the ice crystal sprinkles made these a slightly more interesting Pop-Tart than your typical blueberry one. Visuals have a lot to do with enjoyment, and the acorn sprinkles were not only a great nod to the film, but also just a fun little touch. 

Strawberry Cheese Danish Pop-Tarts

In the realm of breakfast danishes, one of the more popular offerings is the strawberry cheese danish. After all, who doesn't like a flaky pastry with a filling of smooth cream cheese and tart, yet sweet strawberries? Well, Kellogg's wanted to take that idea and make it into a Pop-Tart. 


In January of 2007,  according to what the Kellogg's media team told Mashed, they did just that. The flavors pulled double duty, being in both the filling and the frosting. If you're going to remake a decadent breakfast into a Pop-Tart, you might as go all the way, right? These were especially tasty when heated up, allowing the cream cheese to melt just a little. It was also a nice addition to mellow out the sweetness of the strawberry filling. Pop-Tarts are notoriously sweet, so hopefully this is a combo that will reappear at some point.

These should have been a runaway hit, but alas, it wasn't so. They disappeared around 2009, much to the sadness of many consumers. Some die-hard lovers of the Strawberry Cheese Danish Pop-Tarts even made a petition to try and get the flavor reinstated, but it didn't get very much attention. 


Chocolate Banana Split Pop-Tarts

When it comes to anything with a banana flavor, people are pretty torn. After all, the banana flavor so many of us associate with candy actually was available in the United States ten years before actual bananas were. Thus, artificial banana flavoring taste very different from the real bananas we consume today. Why is this important? It's because the Chocolate Banana Split Pop-Tarts, which arrived on shelves in January of 2009 according to Kellogg's media team, contained banana flavoring, so they really didn't taste like a true banana split. It was a lot more like what would happen if you covered banana-flavored Laffy Taffy in chocolate. 


The vanilla frosting was topped with sprinkles meant to mimic the vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream typically found in banana splits, but did little to stop the overwhelming taste of artificial banana. Now, if you like that taste (as some people do), you would have loved these. If you're more a fan of real bananas, than you didn't miss out on anything. These were another victim of not really being a suitable breakfast pastry and instead a dessert. Also, launching in the middle of winter was perhaps not the best idea for an ice cream flavored snack.

Guava Mango Pop-Tarts

The year 2008 was pretty exciting for Pop-Tarts — well, if you like Latin flavors that is. Guava Mango was a limited edition pastry that took two very vibrant tropical fruits and combined them into a sensational combination. According to Kellogg's, it was revealed in June and packaged with the Dulce de Leche Pop-Tarts, making them delicious and complementary siblings perfect for the summer. It's a pity these were limited edition, as there should be more snack food that represents the diversity of the United States' culinary landscape. Then again, these are Pop-Tarts we're talking about, but we have to start somewhere. At least we can take comfort that these did exist for a short period of time.


They're noteworthy because while you are perfectly able to find mangoes in regular and specialty grocery stores, guavas aren't as popular in the United States. That said, the U.S. does produce 9.23 metric tons of guavas a year, so maybe it's only a matter of time before the fruit become more mainstream. Maybe this is a flavor that Pop-Tarts will revisit one day. For now, however, we'll just have to imagine it.

Dulce de Leche Pop-Tarts

Dulce de Leche hails from Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia or Peru depending on who you ask. It's something many countries want to claim because it's just that good. For those not in the know, dulce de leche is a gooey spread and ingredient made from caramelizing milk. It's not quite caramel, as its consistency isn't as sticky, but has a similar flavor profile. Dulce de leche is an incredibly popular flavor in Central and South America; October 11th is even Dulce de Leche Day. Pop-Tarts came out with a toasted caramel version of the popular flavor profile, which was packaged along with along with their Mango Guava Pop-Tarts in June of 2008.


These Pop Tarts were pretty polarizing, with some saying they enjoyed the caramel taste and how gooey it got when heated up, which is a wonderful combination with pastry. After all, a lot of people in Uruguay and Argentina eat it for breakfast. On the flip side, however, others disliked the flavor combination, one commentator said they were "very disappointing" on The Impulsive Buyer

Regardless of how people felt about these, it'd be nice to try them out again, if only because dulce de leche has become more mainstream as a flavor and it would likely be enjoyed a lot more.

Dutch Apple Pop-Tarts

Not to be confused with the Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts you may be seeing on the shelves now, or the original Apple Currant Pop-Tarts that came out in 1963, Dutch Apple was one of the old school, early flavors. It was released in 1967 alongside Concord Grape and Brown Sugar Cinnamon, and were among the first Pop-Tarts to be frosted. These early Pop-Tarts were inspired by home baking, and in this case that means Dutch apple pie. Not just your normal apple pie, Dutch apple was topped with a sweet cinnamon streusel, which became what set these pastries apart from others. The cinnamon brought a whole new flavor profile to the otherwise sweet apple offerings Kellogg's had. Once you added in the frosting, this was one of the first Pop-Tarts you could argue felt more like a treat than a healthy breakfast.


Various apple flavored Pop-Tarts have come and gone over the years, but this one seem to be a favorite of pastries lost to time. At the very least, there's definitely people interested in having this flavor back, as there is an entire Facebook group devoted to just that.

French Toast Pop-Tarts

It's actually quite shocking that Kellogg's hadn't come out with a French toast flavored Pop-Tart long before this. After all, it's a much beloved breakfast option and any excuse to have maple syrup flavored anything is a no-brainer. These hit the shelves in 2004 to relatively positive reviews.The unique feature of these Pop-Tarts were that they were more focused on the filling than the frosting. Yes, the filling is the main flavor of Pop-Tarts, we hear you, but so often it's overshadowed or simply overtaken by the frosting options. The French toast Pop-Tarts had no frosting, and instead were topped with a blanket of cinnamon sugar. It was the perfect accompaniment, and added just the right touch of sweetness.


All that said, the thick, rich maple syrup filling was really quite good. All-together it didn't taste exactly like French toast, but it was very reminiscent of it. Kellogg's has since come out with a cinnamon roll flavored offering that offers similar notes, but it's just not the same. French toast Pop-Tarts are memorable not only for the syrupy filling and cinnamon dusted pastry, but for a slightly odd, yet funny, commercial back in 2007. "Monsieur, you are toast!"

Frosted Lava Berry Explosion Pop-Tarts

There have been plenty of brand partnerships between Pop-Tarts and movies. There were Indiana Jones Pop-Tarts, Barbie Pop-Tarts, and there were these Star Wars Pop-Tarts that were the best of them all. Released as a marketing tie-in with Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith in 2005, these Pop-Tarts were bright in color and fun in flavor. The filling is their Wild Berry flavor, which is actually strawberries, pears, and apples and not, you know, a myriad of exciting berries. It's what's on the outside that made Lava Berry Explosion interesting and one of a kind. The orange frosting, meant to mimic lava, is topped with yellow sprinkles, again, hitting on the exploding lava theme.


The name is rather cheeky given Anakin truly goes to the Dark Side while fighting Obi Wan Kenobi around a whole bunch of lava. It's a very intense scene, and one that scarred more than one child. Perhaps not the best marketing choice, but one that was fun to say and eat. Also, anything with Darth Vader on the packaging is awesome. Sadly, you won't be seeing these any time soon (or ever again given) the Skywalker saga is now over.

Hot Chocolate Pop-Tarts

Hot chocolate is one of the world's favorite drinks. It's ubiquitous with the holiday season, snowy nights by the fire, and is overall seen as a great comfort drink. According to a report published by the Chicago Tribune in January of 2019,  83 percent of Americans like hot chocolate, and over 90 percent of them have had it. It's warm and cozy and, well, full of chocolate. What's not to like? 


Did you know hot choclate was used as a treatment for liver and stomach diseases? The Pop-Tarts version definitely didn't help your liver, but they would have made your stomach very happy. They had a chocolate filling with marshmallow pieces mixed in, while the outside was a chocolate frosting with a marshmallow swirl. Warming these up didn't exactly mimic real hot chocolate, but you could definitely taste the inspiration.

The original Hot Chocolate Pop-Tarts came out in 2007, and five years later in 2012, Kellogg's would do a limited release during the holiday season of Marshmallow Hot Chocolate Pop-Tarts. They weren't very good, and we haven't seen hot chocolate themed Pop-Tarts since, which is a shame.


