The Internet Can't Stop Talking About These Movie Meals

The internet and social media have provided some of the biggest dining and entertainment venues we never could have imagined during this past week. Celebs and music artists are offering free concerts, and chefs and novice cooks are providing tips and recipes to help get you through COVID-19 isolation without feeling completely alone.


One Twitter user, Monica Heisey, has united the world of film and food by asking the Twitterverse to share their favorite movie meals. Heisey is a comedy writer whose credits, according to her Twitter bio, include Baroness Von Sketch Show, Schitt's Creek, Gary & His Demons, Workin Moms, the New York Times, and The New Yorker, to name a few. The tweet has been retweeted over 2,700 times and has close to 50,000 likes.

Heisey wrote, "Just-me-and-my-boyfriend-alone-in-our-apartment theory: everyone has a movie meal that looms large in their mind. Mine, for some reason, is the pizza and beer all the beauty queens eat in Miss Congeniality. What is yours please (we've been alone for five days)?"

The responses might surprise you. Allison Shaw from Washington, D.C. responded: "Wow the one that immediately came to mind was the imaginary meal in Hook, which I haven't seen in at least a dozen years. Not sure what this says about me."


Movie meals we're all dreaming about right now

While Natalia Barr tweeted, "I think about the egg in a hole they make in Moonstruck all the time."

Another response harkened back to Lindsay Lohan's youthful film career: "The full breakfast Annie ('Haley') doesn't eat in The Parent Trap. Makes me and my boyfriend irrationally angry when she runs out on fresh squeezed OJ and the rest of that glorious meal."


Toby Herman shared, "I think about that damn grilled cheese from The Devil Wears Prada. 'There's like $8 worth of Jarlsberg in there.'"

Twitter user Prune Tracy, who may be watching too much Disney+, shared, "The thinly sliced bread from Disney Jack and the Bean Stalk." Still, she's not alone in her love for Disney food. Another Twitter user posted a GIF from Sleeping Beauty where one of the fairies is placing candles on a very tilted multi-layer cake with blue frosting and wrote, "For whatever reason this cake has stayed with since childhood. It's a disaster but I wanna eat it anyway. All that frosting."

The thread is definitely worth a read, and while you are at it, add your own favorite movie meal to the Twitter pantry.


