What You Need To Know About White Claw's New Flavors

It might only be March, but make no mistake, summer is only a few months away and that means we're not far from peak White Claw season. The hard seltzer has become a force in the beverage world for those who like their alcohol in a can, while at the same time, cringing at the taste of beer. If you somehow avoided the barrage of White Claw memes last year, it's still a malt beverage – only slightly classier. Basically, it's the modern-day version of Zima. 


Just in time for spring break, White Claw is rolling out some new flavors. As Refinery 29 pointed out, White Claw drinkers have had to make do for a very long time with just five flavors: mango, natural lime, black cherry, ruby grapefruit, and raspberry. Well, not anymore. Get ready to see the hotel rooms of Panama City littered with three brand new flavors — tangerine, watermelon, and lemon.  

The new White Claw flavors mean a new variety pack

As for the new flavors, they'll all be available in both the six-pack form and a variety 12-pack with the old favorite mango thrown in for good measure. According to PR Newswire, they're now available wherever White Claw is sold. 


Spiked seltzer drinks were a commanding trend during the summer of 2019, which has resulted in everybody from Four Loko to Bud Light trying to ride the popularity wave. By and large, though, it was cans of White Claw that bros smashed the hardest. 

"Since our launch in 2016, we have only launched six flavors — it takes time to perfect a liquid worthy to bear the White Claw name," Phil Rosse, President, White Claw Seltzer Works said in a press release. "In the last year, tens and thousands of eager and passionate consumers took to social media requesting new flavors- and we listened." According to the Sioux City Journal, the brand received some 70,000 flavor requests. 

While the drink had been around for several years, its sales skyrocketed 250 percent in 2019, and if social media is any indication, the new flavors will continue that upward growth (via CNBC). 


