Why You Definitely Should Not Use Vodka As A Hand Sanitizer

Let's not kid ourselves — this coronavirus is spreading across the globe like wildfire, and like an ex you never want to see again, it could only be a matter of time until it's in your town. Prevention is going to be your best defense, and just like with the common cold or the flu, it all starts with some proper hygiene practices that most of us learned in grade school. 


Here's the thing about pandemics though — they tend to make people go a little wacky and begin hoarding items when there's plenty to go around. Bloomberg has reported that some jerks are price gouging items like hand sanitizer for as much as $400 a bottle. This has led some people to start looking for alternatives for washing their hands — like vodka. Well, we're here to say that you should definitely stop washing your hands with vodka.

Vodka isn't strong enough to be a suitable hand sanitizer

The Twitter account of Tito's Vodka has been hit with desperate folks who are considering vodka to make their own hand sanitizer (via MyRecipes). The belief is that because the liquor is 40 percent alcohol by volume it will be suitable for preventing the spread of coronavirus. Uh, no. 


"Bout to go get me a handle of @TitosVodka and make some hand sanitizer for my family," said one Twitter user. "@TitosDuane you should be making Tito's hand sanitizer!! Huge market right now!" added another. 

Tito's did the responsible thing and stepped in to clear up the confusion as to why vodka is for drinking only. "Per the CDC, hand sanitizer needs to contain at least 60 percent alcohol. Tito's Handmade Vodka is 40 percent alcohol, and therefore does not meet the current recommendation of the CDC," read their response. 

Good ol' soap and water is your best bet

With the spread of the coronavirus and hand sanitizer flying off the shelves, a lot of folks are wondering what's the best alternative. Contradicting articles have been popping up on the internet like "How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer To Protect Against the Coronavirus" from Newsweek and "Why You Shouldn't Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer" from CNET.


According to a pharmacist who has had to make hand sanitizer, it's "VERY DIFFICULT" to get right and you're more likely to end up making a solution that does more harm than good (via Twitter). So what's the solution if your local Walmart is out of hand sanitizer?

Good old fashioned soap and water. The experts at the CDC recommend washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and doing so often, and among their recommentations, you won't find anything about subbing your favorite vodka into your hygiene routine.

