Why You Should Never Put Beer In The Freezer

Nobody likes a warm beer, and while putting your brew in the freezer to get it as ice-cold as possible might seem like a good idea, this may be the wrong way to use your freezer. For starters, if it's in a bottle or can, then it's going to explode once it completely ices up, which is not only one less beer to be savored and enjoyed, but it makes a huge mess, too. 


Even if you don't ruin your beer by forgetting to pull that six-pack out of the icebox before the cold temps crack the glass, the freezer may affect your beer's taste. Whether or not your freezer actually ruins your beer or not depends on one deciding factor. 

The freezer puts your beer in jeopardy

Obviously, if your beer has frozen to the point where it's shattered its glass bottle, that beer can no longer be salvaged. What if it's still in one piece though? Surely, this beer isn't done for, right? Brewers Association draft quality ambassador Matt Meadows, told The Takeout that it really all depends on whether or not the can or bottle's seal has been breached. 


If the liquid expanded enough to the point that the seal has been compromised, then this will let air in and the carbonation out. If that's the case, you're simply going to end up with a really cold flat beer. If the seal hasn't ruptured from the beer freezing and expanding, then you're in the clear with your beer. 

"If your vessel has stayed sealed, your carbonation will be fine," Meadows said, before adding, "If not, it'll certainly be flat."

Some beer experts argue it can affect taste

Despite Matt Meadows's belief that as long as your beer's seal hasn't been compromised by the freezer, it will still taste fine, not everybody agrees. Greg Engert of Bluejacket Brewery is of the belief that beers served too cold can hinder the delicate aromatics of a craft beer. Engert spoke to VinePair on the subject of why beers shouldn't be served in a frosty mug. 


"Served too cold, the volatile aromatics [of craft beer] are held at bay," Engert said before advising that frozen mugs be defrosted prior to pouring to better "provide the aromas we cherish from our craft beers." Even though Engert is speaking on frozen mugs, it would be safe to assume the same would be true for a bottle or can of beer pulled from the freezer. 

Folks on the Beer Advocate message boards seemed to be equally divided on the issue as well. To be on the safe side, enjoy your beer cold — just not too cold. 

