Is Poppi Soda Really Good For You?

Soda has a bad reputation with many health-focused people — and often, for a good reason. Typical sodas are loaded with sugar, caffeine, artificial coloring, and preservatives. However, upstart soda brand Poppi has made waves in recent years, claiming to offer a healthier alternative for those craving a carbonated beverage. So, is Poppi actually good for you? The answer isn't as simple as a yes or no.


Among Poppi's claims is that it includes prebiotics, helpful bacteria that can improve digestion and gut health. Despite the real benefits pre- and probiotics can provide, there's some reason for skepticism about the company's claims. A class action lawsuit filed against Poppi states there are just two grams of prebiotic fiber per can, too low to provide any meaningful benefits. Two grams is below the recommended daily intake of three to five but still provides a significant chunk for those short on prebiotic foods (like garlic and oats) in their diets. 

Poppi also distinguishes itself from typical sodas by including far less sugar. A can includes just five grams, compared to roughly 40 to 50 grams found in ordinary sodas. Consequently, each can also has just 35 calories, roughly ⅕ the calories of regular, non-diet options.


Benefits and drawbacks of Poppi

Finally, we can't forget about the inclusion of apple cider vinegar in Poppi's recipe. Though the benefits aren't definitive, many advocates and experts believe that when you drink apple cider vinegar, you provide a boost to your digestion and help support healthy blood sugar levels. 


Whether Poppi is truly "good for you" depends mainly on how many cans you drink and what you might be consuming as an alternative. Poppi landed on our 12 unhealthiest bottled drinks you can buy, alongside decidedly non-health-focused choices like Mountain Dew and Monster Energy drinks. That's a result of that very same prebiotic fiber mentioned earlier, which some experts have suggested causes bloating, gas, and diarrhea in some people. However, the relatively low amount of sugar in Poppi can help some people significantly cut back the sugar content in their diets if it replaces typical sodas. Reducing sugar offers a wide variety of health benefits, from keeping your weight down to improving your heart health to reducing skin issues and depression.


Overall, it's difficult to argue any soda is truly "good for you" in the same way that many natural fruit juices or flavored waters can be. However, there's no doubt it provides some benefits to those who'd otherwise crack open a can of traditional soda.

