Say These Words If You Want A Fresh Filet-O-Fish At McDonald's

If you're looking for healthy meal options, you probably steer clear of fast food on principle. However, the Filet-O-Fish is one of the few things you can order at McDonald's without hating yourself. Packed with protein, this classic sandwich is made with real wild-caught Alaska pollock, and when it's served piping hot, it really hits the spot. However, if it sits for too long under the restaurant's warming lights, it can decline in quality. Because we would never wish a sub-par Filet-O-Fish on anyone, we're here to tell you there's a magic combination of words you can say at McDonald's that should score you a fresh-from-the-fryer Filet-O-Fish every time.


To make sure you're not disappointed by an old, soggy sandwich, respectfully ask to have your Filet-O-Fish "cooked to order." This simple request indicates that you would like your food to be prepared fresh. On a Reddit thread, some commenters claiming to be McDonald's employees say that this tactic usually works — especially if you're ordering at a time when the store isn't too busy. And if the fish is being fried to order, we can assume the sandwich's signature pillowy steamed bun (one of the real reasons why the Filet-o-Fish is so delicious) will come straight from steamer as well.

Cooking to order ensures freshness

Yet, when it comes to the Filet-O-Fish, you may notice that you seem to get a fresh one nearly every time, without having to ask. "If it's slow, we cook to order filets ... since they are less popular," one former McDonald's employee states on Reddit.


Keep in mind that the Filet-O-Fish isn't the only item this tip works for. Depending on the location, you might be able to get just about anything cooked to order — as long as the employees have the time to do it. (You don't even need to ask about a Quarter Pounder, as that's McDonald's only burger that is actually cooked fresh.) Taking this a step further, on its website, McDonald's states that it encourages customization, meaning you can ask for food just the way you like. Asking for your Chicken McNuggets extra crispy, a burger without sauce, or that your Filet-O-Fish is cooked to order are great ways to ensure your McDonald's favorites always satisfy.

