If Your Store-Bought Cottage Cheese Looks Off, This Is Probably The Culprit

Because it's a fermented food, one would expect a store-bought carton of cottage cheese to remain fresh for quite a long time. This wholesome and nutritious food (cottage cheese is an excellent, low-calorie source of protein) can last beyond its expiration date — sometimes up to two weeks — provided that it's stored correctly. That's why it can be so puzzling to find a carton that appears to be off well before its expiration date. For instance, the consistency may be a bit too thin and watery, or the cheese may appear overly textured and thick.


Keep in mind that cottage cheese often contains live cultures, which can behave unpredictably over time. That may explain why store-bought brands of cottage cheese can exhibit varying levels of quality over their storage life, even if they haven't technically expired. Bacteria is a major factor in the production of cottage cheese, generating the lactic acid essential to the food. If lactic acid continues to be produced, both texture and flavor can be altered.

Additionally, you can't always trust that cottage cheese has been stored correctly from the time it's been produced until the time hits your table (meaning that it's been kept refrigerated in temperatures 40 degrees Fahrenheit or cooler). If you want to enjoy the highest possible quality, it's best to eat the product quickly.


How to keep your cottage cheese fresh and tasty

In general, opened cottage cheese will retain its quality for up to one week when stored in the refrigerator. While cold storage is key for maintaining texture and flavor, there are some other things you can do to keep the product fresh. When you get the carton home, be sure to place it in the refrigerator immediately.


You can also prevent unwanted bacteria from making its way into the mix by using a clean spoon to scoop the cheese. If you're worried about the product separating, flattening its surface with a utensil before it goes back into the refrigerator will help maintain good consistency.

While it's less of a frequent concern than diminished quality, it helps to know the common signs of cottage cheese spoilage. Discoloration is a major red flag, as it can indicate the presence of mold (which ranges from a green-gray shade to black). Although a bit of tanginess is expected, spoiled cottage cheese smells and tastes unpalatably sour, which means that the product should be discarded. With the right knowledge and freshness tips, you can incorporate cottage cheese into many surprising recipes (including mashed potatoes and pancakes) with confidence.


