The Healthiest Applebee's Menu Items May Surprise You

There's no doubt that shady things about Applebee's menu abound — not surprising, considering one of the chain's best-known entrées is called "riblets." If you've ever eaten at this fast casual outlet, you also won't be surprised to know that nutrition isn't a huge concern for the food designers here; 1,600-calorie burgers served with fries and sugary drinks are the standard fare. The real surprise may be in learning that Applebee's has any healthy menu items at all, let alone a suite of selections that lets you get away with eating something satisfying without collapsing your nutritional aspirations altogether. Fortunately, for anyone looking to keep nutrition as their north star, Applebee's actually has quite an array of healthful fare that's both nutritious and delicious.

So which of Applebee's vastly varied dishes are the most surprising when it comes to the nutritional rundown? Are any of your higher-standard options worth digging into or does the suite of potential orders eliminate enjoyment while ramping up the health factor? It turns out you can find plenty of healthy platters to place on your table, many of which border on indulgent. Fast casual fans are bound to be pleased with the arrangements Applebee's makes for anyone interested in a more mindful dining experience. There's even room for dessert on the eating plan!

Bone-in wings

If Applebee's wings are your thing, you might be happy to know that the chain's bone-in version is one of your most preferable orders where nutrition is concerned. Yes, they're fried and covered in chicken skin, which are both part and parcel of the chicken wing experience. The secret to staying on the more beneficial side of the coop is sidestepping the boneless version and sticking with the old-fashioned wing that keeps its bones in place while offering up crispy, meaty eating that won't leave you wondering how you went so far afield before your next trip to the gym.

An order of sauceless bone-in chicken wings from the appetizer menu will net you a trim 520 calories, bringing along with it 31 grams of fat, 1,520 milligrams of sodium, and 58 grams of protein for the powerlifters and paleo eaters. Contrast that against a plate of boneless wings, with its 660 calories, 32 grams of fat, 1,720 milligrams of sodium, and 38 grams of protein, and you have the makings of a modest meal that should align with a sensible daily consumption plan. The fat content may give you cause for pause, but if you moderate the rest of your intake for the day, you can rest easier during your Applebee's weekend kick-off date night with your sweetest.

6-ounce top sirloin

There's no reason to skip an Applebee's steak just because you're watching your dietary numbers. A 6-ounce top sirloin will fill your plate with protein galore while keeping fat to a minimum (for steak, at least). You won't find filet floating around on the menu, but you will find this hearty offering that does best in its more modest version. Larger steaks dial up the detrimental aspects to the point of regret, so going small is the key to getting a more nutritious dinner that leaves wiggle room for salad or a healthy side dish.

What do you get by slicing into this succulent slab? How does 560 calories, 25 grams of fat, 1,880 milligrams of sodium, and a whopping 42 grams of protein grab you? The 8-ounce and 12-ounce ribeyes may add more to the protein column, but they also elevate the calories, fat, and sodium counts into "watch your step there" territory. Just thinking about what happens when you eat too much salt may help you make good choices. By going for the smaller steak, you can add veggies or a salad to your bill and savor a full-fledged steakhouse meal without crashing through your recommended daily allowance guardrails at full throttle. A healthy Applebee's surprise selection like this has to feel good for the vigilant diner who doesn't want to sit out on a good time.

Grilled chicken breast

Is there any restaurant in which grilled chicken breast isn't one of the most nutritious dishes you can request? This lean protein cooked in healthy fashion with minimal addition of fatty oils — if any at all — is a go-to for the cautious eaters who know their limits but want to enjoy their night out with the gang without sticking to carrot sticks and cucumber slices. On this menu, the grilled chicken breast stands head and shoulders above the worst Applebee's burgers for anyone with enough willpower to skirt the more decadent temptations, no matter what your table mates may be ordering.

What does Applebee's take on grilled chicken breast offer in the realm of nutrition? Nothing much ... only a welcome 550 calories, 22 grams of fat, 1,730 milligrams of sodium, and a power-packed 48 grams of protein, one of the most reassuring profiles on the entire menu. Your dish does come with sides as part of the package, so make sure you keep your sensible eating hat on tight before you go for a fries basket or a dish of mac and cheese. You don't want to spoil your surprisingly nutritious entrée by surrounding it with a slew of chef-crafted sides that undo all your decidedly disciplined doing. Stick with steamed broccoli and garlicky green beans instead.

Blackened Cajun salmon

Salmon is always healthful go-to grub, and Applebee's makes sure to add a flavorful version to its menu for the nutrition-minded diner. The blackened version fires up the flavor with a generous application of spice and seasoning that activates your taste buds and prevents you from feeling like you're eating healthy fare. It's a clever alternative to a fried fish filet. Pescatarians slipping into their favorite booth for a leisurely bite can rest easy knowing they have a dish that makes thoughtful dining an easy accomplishment.

Cast your line for this beautiful bayou bite, and you can count on taking in 600 calories, 28 grams of fat, 1,790 milligrams of sodium, and a thoroughly respectable 43 grams of protein. You'll also be consuming healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins and minerals you might not expect to be a key feature of your Applebee's moments. The other items in the menu's seafood section are breaded shrimp and fried fish and chips, so if you're looking for an oceanic feast but aren't willing to scrap your quest for heart health and added muscle mass, stay close to the pier with blackened Cajun salmon and a clean baked potato as a practical side.

Strawberry balsamic salad

You've probably heard that restaurant-style salad, while seeming to be favorable fare for keeping your nutrition in check, can often bring more heartache than heart health, thanks to the over-inclusion of indulgent toppings and rich dressings. Applebee's makes getting in on the healthy salad game a more straightforward endeavor by keeping a strawberry balsamic salad up its sleeve. This crunchy collection adds flavor on top of fresh flavor, leaving out the fried bits and bobs like you'll find in many of the other salads and instead tossing in slivers of almonds for texture and taste. It's salad at the top of its game. 

If you're doing a personal ranking of Applebee's menu items from worst to best based on nutritional value, you'll be happy to know that this refreshing plate ranks near the top of the list. This glorious garden of greens, fruits, and vegetables will grow your daily intake by 900 calories, 49 grams of fat, 1,840 milligrams of sodium, and an impressive 52 grams of protein. And that's not to mention the micronutrients abundant in the leaves and slices of premium produce. To get these nutritional numbers even more under control, ask for the balsamic dressing on the side so you can dole out the sodium and fat as you see fit. Better yet, enjoy half of the salad, and take the rest home as a second sensible meal to get more health-minded dining for your lunch money.

Chicken tortilla soup

Soup is as soothing and nourishing for the soul as it is for the body, though heavy sodium content and creamy bases can often knock your body off its treadmill. At Applebee's, the inclusion of chicken tortilla among the incredibly trim list of soup selections means added protein with a minimum of the undesirable ingredients cluttering the bowl. Soup lovers can rejoice knowing they're keeping to their dietary dogma while savoring what has become an all-around popular recipe that balances nourishment with enjoyment.

For nutritional impact, a bowl of this comfort classic has the most reserved numbers of any item on our list. At only 280 calories, 15 grams of fat, 930 milligrams of sodium, and 11 grams of protein, this chicken tortilla soup can be enjoyed with nominal impact on your nutritional per diem. You could even order a second bowl without conceding your fight for better eating habits. And as one of the more sensibly priced offerings in the restaurant's arsenal, it's also cost-effective, which may mean less money in the pocket for Applebee's franchise owners, but you're not the one deciding the prices here. So go ahead and enjoy a budget-friendly bowl that takes your health into consideration without an ounce of guilt in the transaction.

French onion soup

There's more than one way to do healthful soup at Applebee's. French onion soup comes to the rescue when you're looking for an international slurp that won't spoil your nutritional aspirations. How could a bowl of broth seasoned with boiled onions possibly lead your dietary plans astray? While calories are contained thanks to the omission of cream and heavy toss-ins to the pot, sodium content is a solid concern.

With a bowl of this in front of you, you'll be sipping on 370 calories, 21 grams of fat, 1,250 milligrams of sodium, and a not-to-shabby 16 grams of protein. Still, French onion is among your best bets if limiting your intake of heavier fare is tops on your dining out to-do list. By keeping the base ingredients spare and selective, this recipe gives you fewer unhealthful aspects to track, which can help you balance out the rest of your daily eating to accommodate your Applebee's visit and stay squarely in check nutrition-wise. To improve your prospects for thoughtful dining, forgo the gooey cheese topper and add steamed veggies to your meal instead.

Brownie bite

Everyone deserves a little treat if they finish their dinner, but not everyone wants to tack on a slew of calories, sugar, and fat to their perfectly composed nutritional teeter totter. Applebee's accommodates the discerning dessert lover with its brownie bite, a plate containing a diminutive triangular brownie topped with chocolate sauce and walnuts, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream accompanying it. It may not be the heaping helping of gourmet sugarcraft you'd dreamed dessert to be, but it's also far from the worst dessert at Applebee's, and you're trying to keep your selections as healthy as possible. Having any sort of sweet available as part of your Applebee's fly-by is a delightful surprise, especially when it lets you stay within the bounds of your single-day allowance of calories, sugar, and fat.

Of course, anything made from chocolate, oil, and sugar isn't going to be your nutritionist's prime recommendation. But if you're jonesing for something sweet and you've left space in your dietary diary for a little treat, taking in 330 calories, 15 grams of fat, and 35 grams of sugar is surprisingly healthful, all things considered. A bit of balancing work will help you keep your daily eating ledger intact while letting you cut loose a little. Everything in moderation, as the saying goes.

Chicken wonton tacos

Fusion food from two of the world's most beloved cuisines results in Applebee's' chicken wonton tacos, a blend of cultures that keeps nutritious eating on the menu without tossing flavor into the bin. With a wild mash-up like this, you can enjoy Asian and Mexican elements worked into a single dish that also provides nourishment with favorable nutritional numbers. You also get to dine on a street food-inspired selection that feels far more gourmet than an Applebee's dish has the right to.

Your plate contains four tacos, featuring folded triangular shells of fried wonton filled with diced chicken topped with slaw. This crispy, savory quartet will net you 600 calories, 26 grams of fat, 1,530 milligrams of sodium, and 32 grams of protein. Think of your order as a tapas tray with small bites that you can finish all on your own. If anyone at your table reaches for one or asks for a bite, remind them that you're tracking your macros very carefully and that any deviation to the plan could result in nutritional confusion that you're just not okay with. If that doesn't work, remind them they have their own plate to chow down on, and if they had wanted chicken wonton tacos, they should have ordered some.

Applebee's riblets plate without sauce

When you have a signature dish on the menu like Applebee's riblets, you want to ensure that as many diners can partake in the culinary celebration as possible. Providing a sauce-free plate of riblets means nutritional math that works out to a more preferable sum. It's a tricky arrangement that could go south for anyone who thinks clearing off the sauce opens the possibility for fries or other rich sides, like the photo on the menu displays. If the idea is to eat healthily, sticking to just the ribs will give you a surprisingly enjoyable order that lets you join in on the riblets revelry.

Leaving the sauce out of the equation, you'll have a clean platter of spare ribs that keeps your fingers clean and your nutritional ideals tidier than they'd be if you went whole hog with the original version. This means you can limit your consumption to 900 calories, 52 grams of fat, 1,390 milligrams of sodium, and a fantastic 57 grams of protein. While this plate does include the sauce of your choice, which will undoubtedly alter the numbers, request it in a separate cup so you can dip or swipe an amount that makes sense for you. It's a clever compromise for Applebee's to make, considering the sauce is usually what makes the riblet experience so indulgent.

How I chose these items

The nutritional facts are on display at Applebee's, making it simple to choose the best items for your dietary needs. The nature of the order doesn't always tell the whole tale; a peek behind the scenes to learn what ingredients and additives are in the food can often help decrypt the dish's hidden secrets. Zeroing in on plates that appear to be healthy can reveal extra calories, unexpected fat, and unnecessary sodium, helping diners steer clear of unintended mistakes while aiming for healthier choices, which may present some surprisingly satisfying options.

I used Applebee's nutritional facts document to identify the dishes with the lowest calorie counts first, then cross-examined the fat, sodium, and sugar content to see which possibilities have the most favorable matrix of these crucial elements. Part of the search led me to items with high protein content and a focus on lean meats and fresh vegetables. I also aimed for dishes with minimal sauces and questionable add-ins that might reduce the basic goodness of the core nutritional profile. With so many high-calorie options, it was relatively easy to isolate the best choices, which included some unanticipated possibilities like bone-in wings and sirloin steak. And to provide a treat for eaters with a sweet tooth, I made sure to include the best option among the dessert menu in the list.