You've Been Eating Pringles Wrong Your Whole Life

Potato chips, one of the most common party snacks and lunchtime treats around, are basically a no-brainer to eat — open bag, put chips in mouth, chew, and enjoy. But when you're eating Pringles — which come in a long tube instead of a half-filled bag and have a concave oval shape — things get a little more complicated. And as it turns out, you've probably been eating them all wrong.


Pringles are sort of shaped like a human tongue (gross but true), and many people reach into the can and press the concave side of the chip to their tongue, probably because it makes the most sense in terms of the shape of one's mouth (via Cosmopolitan). This way, the edges of the chip are pointing down toward your teeth and tongue, while the convex "top" of the chip is facing the roof of your mouth. But for ultimate flavor pay off, this is the opposite of what you should do.

That's because Pringles are only seasoned on one side — the convex side. If you want to get the best, biggest flavor, you should actually eat the chip with the convex side down, which a lot of people think of as the top of the Pringle, pressed to your tongue instead. 


"When Pringles are stacked in their can, some of the seasoning rubs off onto the next chip..." a spokesperson told The Sun Online, which explains why not everyone has noticed that the chips are actually officially seasoned only on the convex side.

Of course, for those that experience mouth pain when eating salty foods, or who've ever eaten a tube of Salt and Vinegar Pringles and barely lived to tell the tale (salt and vinegar chips are so acidic they can actually erode your teeth, according to Good to Know), the news could be helpful. Rather than placing the seasoned side directly on your sensitive taste buds, you can eat them with the unseasoned side down, and protect your tongue for future snacking adventures.

