Are Sweet Potato Fries Any Healthier Than Regular Fries?

As sad as it may be, we all know that french fries do not fall under any category of the food pyramid. Sure, they're made from potatoes which, according to Healthline, are a good source of potassium and vitamin C, but deep fry them to make the perfect crispy wedge and all that nutrition goes out the window. Thankfully sweet potato fries come to the rescue offering a healthier alternative to the popular burger side dish. Or do they? 


"Many people believe that by ordering sweet potato fries over regular they are doing a great service for their health," registered dietitian Lisa Moskovitz told Men's Health. "The truth is you're not really doing much."

Moskovitz reveals that when it comes to comparing white potatoes with sweet potatoes, the differences are miniscule. Both contain the same amount of calories and carbs. There is less than 1 gram of fat in both in its truest form, meaning before its dropped into hot oil. Fiber is also pretty equal in comparison. When it comes to protein, white potatoes slightly edge out sweet potatoes, and not surprisingly, sweet potatoes have more natural sugar.

When comparing white potatoes and sweet potatoes side-by-side, the two spuds don't seem all that different. Why then do people think sweet potato fries are so much healthier? The answer lies in the preparation. 


Registered dietitian Alissa Rumsey explained, "While most fries made from regular potatoes are deep fried in oil, sweet potato fries often can be found as a baked version." Rumsey recommends asking your server before ordering because baked is always better than fried, but if both options are fried, forget about being healthy. (And if you're a french fry fanatic like Meghan Markle, you may as well just go with your preferred choice.)

The bottom line is, there's no real winner in the french fries versus sweet potato fries fight. If both are cooked the same, that match will end in a draw.

