Gwyneth Paltrow Has Harsh Words For A Fan Who Asks If She Really Cooks

When you send a question to a celebrity, you probably don't expect to get an answer back. However, one "lucky" fan got a resounding answer when they recently asked Gwyneth Paltrow (actress, businesswoman, and writer — particularly of multiple cookbooks) if she really cooks during an Instagram Live session.


Her response was captured and made the rounds fast via social media. You can see Paltrow's brow incredulously furrow as she reads the question, "Do I actually cook?!" You can almost tell what's going to happen next — a few f-bombs are dropped as she answers this seemingly ridiculous question and let this fan really have it.

"Yes I f***ing cook," she said. "G** d****t, you think I would pretend to write cookbooks if I didn't cook?"

Another person must have gone to bat for her in the comments, because she then follows up by saying, "Thank you for defending me, and f*** that person."

Paltrow is the author of several cookbooks, all focusing on healthy eating and easy-to-create meals. Her first culinary book, titled My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness and published in 2011, was inspired by meals she enjoyed preparing with her father. Her other books tended to be more tailored towards specific diets, such as It's All Easy: Delicious Weekday Recipes for the Super-Busy Home Cook which features meals that are low in the sugar, gluten, and fat department. 


Perhaps the fan thought that Paltrow doesn't cook because she's a rich-and-famous celebrity. This would mean that she somehow faked her way through several cookbooks (that get pretty great reviews on Amazon, particularly from folks that have diets that stem from medical needs), which sounds pretty silly, to be honest. 

So, the next time you're tempted to ask a celeb whether they really do one of the things they're famous for, perhaps keep Paltrow's scathing words in mind — you might get more than you asked for. 

