Why Doubling A Fried Food Recipe Could Be A Huge Mistake

Fried food is a category that's as versatile as it is tasty. Perhaps you're a fan of perfectly crispy fried chicken or fried fish for main courses, or maybe you prefer frying up some potatoes, veggies, or cheese for a tasty side or snack instead. With flavor so delicious, it can be tempting to double up your recipe to ensure you've got plenty of homemade fried food to go around. But experienced cooks know that could prove a big mistake.


The reason for this stems from the precise way most people choose to double their fried recipes, as well as some unavoidable issues with deep frying in general. Broadly speaking, many people who try to make twice as much fried food as a recipe calls for only double the ingredients they're frying — but not the oil itself. That may make sense at first glance, as few people have cooking vessels large enough to hold and safely heat the significant quantity of oil that would be required.

But each time an item is fried, it leaves behind traces and remnants in the oil, particularly if it's breaded or battered. The longer these bits sit in the hot oil, the higher the likelihood they'll start to burn, resulting in an unpleasant taste and smell. To avoid this, you'll need to thoroughly strain your oil halfway through the cooking process or replace it entirely.


Proper quantities of oil lead to better quality food

The second reason a double batch of fried food could be a problem is quality. Anyone who's experienced it knows the appeal of chowing down on food fresh out of the fryer. The longer the food sits out and cools down, though, the soggier it can become.


This is particularly an issue when making large batches, where the first pieces out of the fryer can significantly degrade in quality by the time the last ones are ready. The effects of this can be minimized by keeping your finished food in a low-temperature oven, but this adds another step and prevents the oven from being used for other recipes.

Don't think you can just add twice as much food to the oil at once, either. Overcrowding is one of the biggest mistakes people make when deep frying, resulting in longer cook times, less crispy coatings, and other unpleasant final products. So, whether you're making an old favorite recipe or sampling some of the top fried foods you need to try before you die, remember this valuable advice about quantity to ensure you always enjoy crispy coatings and perfectly cooked dishes.


