The 11 Unhealthiest Great Value Foods You'll Find At Walmart

We all know that generic brands tend to have a reputation for being subpar, but if we're honest, most of us can agree that some generic brand foods are pretty decent. Even so, there are still some generic finds that are downright revolting — and we aren't necessarily talking about taste.


So, what are we talking about here? Health, of course. Yes, some of the ickiest foods can taste delicious, while some foods taste exactly how they'll leave our bodies feeling — disgusting. Either way, we've made it our business to scope out some of the most popular (and unpopular) Great Value picks from Walmart to show you just how unhealthy these foods can sometimes be.

Before we dive in, please remember that just because a food item makes this list doesn't mean you must steer clear of it for life. What it does mean, however, is that you may want to consider consuming these products in moderation since many of them contain food stats and ingredients that may harm your health. With that said, we invite you to join us as we break down some of the unhealthiest Great Value foods you'll find at Walmart.


1. Great Value Canned Lunch Meat

Canned lunch meat. It's all the rage — said no one ever. Actually, it's an inconspicuous little buy, sounding very vague and unappetizing at the same time. How would you use this canned version of mystery meat? Not entirely sure! This "lunch meat" is composed of pork, but there's more to it than that. It also has a heaping dose of additives like sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrate, and sodium phosphate. Not bothered by that? You don't have to be. Similar ingredients are easily found in your standard package of breakfast bacon. But it's the sodium, fat, and cholesterol count that really leaves us reeling.


First and foremost, it's important to mention that the nutrition facts on this can are broken into 2-ounce servings. That's about half the size of your standard tuna can, which we think is pretty unrealistic. Either way, expect to get as much as 16 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 40 milligrams of cholesterol, and a little over a third of your daily value of sodium in that tiny serving. If you happen to eat double the suggested amount here, then we'll let you do the math. All in all, this Great Value grab is far from a healthy buy.

2. Great Value Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes

We love traditional meatloaf just as much as the next person, but by golly, the Great Value version of this scrumptious homemade dish is a big fat nope. If this wasn't a single-serve option, we'd lend it some grace here. After all, we know beef and potatoes are bound to be loaded with cholesterol and carbs, but this is just ridiculous. In a single serving, you can expect to encounter heart-damaging trans fats, half your daily value of saturated fat (also bad for your heart), 1,070 milligrams of sodium, and even some added sugar for good measure. And it's not like you could cut this thing in half — doing so is likely to leave you still feeling hungry, which kinda defeats the purpose.


Look, we understand it's meatloaf, which inherently packs some fat and calories. However, if you believe opting for frozen meatloaf and potatoes is a healthier choice than indulging in, say, a slice of pizza, you're fooling yourself — at least when it comes to the Great Value brand, that is.

3. Great Value Fudge Marshmallow Cookies

We know that cookies aren't meant to be healthy, especially not this sort. But that doesn't dismiss the facts. When it comes to Great Value Fudge Marshmallow Cookies, you're looking at an excessive amount of sugar and saturated fat even when compared to other cookies.


Let's take your standard Oreo, for example. At 14 grams of sugar, you would have to eat three Oreos to get the same amount of sugar you'd get in a single Great Value Fudge Marshmallow cookie. In addition, a single one of these suckers packs one-fourth of your saturated fat daily value, and there are 130 calories per cookie. Sheesh!

With that in mind, this is one of those snacks we don't recommend binging on. Eating just three of these could spell trouble for your health, and that's without considering other concerning ingredients found within, like high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavoring, and a number of additives. Buyer beware!

4. Great Value Chicken & Dumpling Soup

Another yummy comfort food, Great Value Chicken & Dumpling Soup joins forces with the meatloaf of the same brand to bring us outrageously unhealthy food stats. This one surprised us a little as anything labeled "soup" is typically supposed to be light in terms of fat and calories. And while the amount of fat and calories contained in this soup isn't as terrible as other products we've seen, at 17 grams and 340 grams per can, respectively, it is quite a bit more than comparable flavors from other brands (like Progresso).


Despite being high in fat and calories, there's another nutritional issue we're finding with Great Value Chicken and Dumpling Soup: sodium. Watch out for this one. A can of Great Value Chicken and Dumpling Soup contains as much as 1,920 milligrams of sodium per can, which is nearly 85% of your daily sodium value. So, if you're going to take the plunge and purchase Great Value Chicken and Dumpling Soup, we suggest sticking to the serving size of a single cup; otherwise, you could be looking at adding an obscene and unnecessary amount of sodium to your system.

5. Great Value Berry Punch

Next up is Great Value Berry Punch. Expecting this berry "fruit" punch to be healthy? Think again. While we won't engage in the hotly debated topic of whether 100% fruit juices are actually any better for you than those containing added sugar, what we can say is that this very "berry" pick from Great Value isn't it in terms of health.


Despite its bright and refreshing image of fruit splashed on the carton front, the juice contains more water and high fructose corn syrup than anything else. In fact, a single cup of the stuff will put 22 grams of sugar into your system, which is close to the amount the American Heart Association recommends you consume in one day. In addition, the high fructose corn syrup lurking within has been linked to concerning health ailments like inflammation, increased risk for obesity, increased appetite, and more. Sure, it'll taste good. But when it comes to benefiting your body, the buck stops there. Nix the sugary stuff and opt for a piece of fresh fruit when you can — your body will thank you!


6. Great Value Butter-Flavored Syrup

There's pure maple syrup and then there's this stuff. The difference between maple syrup and pancake syrup is quite notable, and Great Value's Butter Flavored Syrup is living proof. Pure maple syrup comes from a tree and contains no additives or added sugar. Great Value's Butter Flavored Syrup is packed with high fructose corn syrup, unhealthy artificial flavorings, and plenty of hard-to-pronounce additives (like sodium hexametaphosphate) to give it that flavor you so often associate with a supposedly "good" maple syrup.


Aside from having the icky ingredients, Great Value's Butter-Flavored Syrup contains 17 grams of sugar in only 2 tablespoons, which, as we've already stated, isn't sugar that's naturally occurring, like it is in real maple syrup. All in all, though most people hail this butter-flavored syrup as a delicious addition to morning flapjacks, based on its nutritional value, we're left with no choice but to chuck it a deuce.

7. Great Value Frozen Appetizers Mini Corn Dogs

Grabbing a 40-count box of Great Value Mini Corn Dogs? Bet you can't eat just four of 'em. Apparently, Walmart thinks adult-sized people have kid-sized appetites because four corn dogs are what they have listed as the serving size. Sure, corn dogs are often considered a "kid's" food, but come on, you know you eat them.


After taking a peek at the Great Value Mini Corn Dog nutritional stats, we learned that you'll get a hodgepodge of unhealthy components in your system by eating these, and the nutrition facts reported only apply if you eat a few. Eat double or triple the serving size, and you're up the creek! Just four of the dogs contain 10 grams of fat, 600 milligrams of sodium, 200 calories, and 9 (yes, 9) grams of added sugar. Phew. We know they're corn dogs and all, and no this isn't a health food, but seriously ... eating these every day could spell trouble in your future and we think you ought to know about it.

8. Great Value Croissant Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Sandwiches

One of several breakfast options here on the list, The Great Value Croissant Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Sandwiches might leave you clutching your chest in pain. These artery-clogging breakfast grabs deliver a one-two punch in terms of cholesterol and fat while adding in a bit of sodium and a ton of additives for good measure.


In only one breakfast sandwich, you'll find 24 grams of fat, 100 milligrams of cholesterol, and over 600 milligrams of sodium. You'll also find a handful of additives including mono- and diglycerides, artificial flavors, high fructose corn syrup, BHA, BHT ... sigh. We feel like we're speaking a new language after reading all those unsavory ingredient additions. Yeah, sausage sandwiches are good, and no, they were never meant to be healthy. But Great Value Croissant Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Sandwiches degenerately make the list for one of the unhealthiest finds you'll see at Walmart.

9. Great Value Meat Lovers Breakfast Bowl

As if you thought things couldn't get any worse, we've got another breakfast banger for you, and this one takes the cake. Great Value's Meat Lovers Breakfast Bowl gets mostly high marks in terms of taste according to customers, but when it comes to healthiness, well, we're sure you can imagine where it stands.


Great Value Meat Lovers Breakfast Bowl contains a whole host of additives and artificial flavors, but it doesn't stop there. A single bowl of this savory breakfast option is dripping with fat, much of which is saturated fat, known to increase the risk for heart disease. Moreover, the cholesterol on this one is outrageous at 235 milligrams per serving, and the sodium comes close to 1,000 milligrams, nearly 50% of your daily value. The only good thing about this is that it's lower carb than some of the other options mentioned and packs plenty of protein at 24 grams. For some dieters, this may be a reason to celebrate, though the grab still contains potatoes which may render this breakfast option questionable for those following Keto or other low-carb lifestyles. Still, the fat and cholesterol levels on this one shouldn't be ignored and should be consumed sparingly to avoid potential health complications in the future.


10. Great Value Frosted Strawberry Toaster Pastries

These are probably delish, especially considering all the glowing reviews, but when it comes to sugar and carb count, beware. Yes, the Great Value Frosted Strawberry Toaster Pastries are indeed a blast to the past in terms of nostalgic iced strawberry flavor, but these tiny pastries pack a lot of ick in them that could cause long-term health issues when consumed in excess over long periods of time.


Aside from having artificial flavors in them, Great Value Frosted Strawberry Toaster Pastries seem to feature only sugar as their sweetening option, which is a refreshing find given the other high fructose corn syrup finds we've scouted in Walmart. Still, just how much sugar graces each pastry is alarming, as two pastries alone will run you as much as 39 grams, which is over the recommended 36 grams (or 9 teaspoons) recommended for men by the American Heart Association. On top of that, the number of carbs in these things is startling, with each two pastry packs running about 67 carbs total. Yikes! Though tasty, these Great Value Frosted Strawberry Toaster Pastries are certainly one of the unhealthiest grabs we've discovered amongst the Great Value brand.


11. Great Value Pepperoni & Cheese Filled Sandwiches

Hydrogenated oils, nearly half your daily value of saturated fat, BHA, BHT, hard-to-pronounce additives, fat, sodium, calories, and ... reduced-fat mozzarella cheese? Sounds like a moot point, Walmart. Great Value Pepperoni & Cheese Filled Sandwiches certainly fit the bill in terms of being budget-friendly, but they aren't a feasible daily snack type option, that's for sure. These little sandwiches resemble Hot Pockets and nutrition facts quoted on the package are for only one of these grabs, not for both sandwiches in the box. For only one, you're looking at a high-sodium, high-fat snack, but most of all, a very carb-y option. And though we aren't anti-carb at the least, these pack quite a bit of them at 44 grams per sandwich. 


For reference, it is recommended that Americans consume roughly 225-325 grams of carbs each day when following a 2,000-calorie diet. With 44 grams of carbs per sandwich, your carb count for the day could rack up quickly. Consuming too many carbs can lead to elevated blood sugars and increased risk for obesity, especially when the carbs aren't from healthful sources like, say, an apple. So, while fine for intermittent consumption, these Hot Pocket-style Great Value sammies aren't a great choice for a long-term meal option.

12. Great Value Sliced Peaches

Peaches ought to be healthy for you, right? Well ... yes and no. One mistake everyone seems to make with canned fruit is assuming it'll be healthy. Though a standard peach will certainly do your body good, canned peaches can be iffy, especially this sort. Any type of peaches you see advertised in "syrup" is bound to be laden with unhealthy sugars. And not just any sugar, mind you, but typically high fructose corn syrup, which we find totally unnecessary.


In the case of Great Value Sliced Peaches, you might find the print "in heavy syrup" quoted on the label. This means your peaches are going to pack a wallop in the added sugar category, and indeed, the nutrition label on these can prove it so. In a single can of these peaches, you'll find nearly 40 grams of added sugar. Wow. Considering that peaches are already a sweet and delectable fruit, rest assured that this is completely unwarranted. Instead, we recommend you pick up a can of peaches labeled as "100% juice." These usually won't contain high fructose corn syrup or any added sugars, making them a healthier option if you aren't into eating fresh peaches on their own.


We'll admit that the aforementioned list is pretty subjective and that some items may be a bit divisive depending on what you consider healthy (or not). We get it. Still, we did our best to select food items that seemed way out of the ordinary in the major areas of nutrition, including fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugar, calories, and more. We also combed through ingredients and flagged any of them that bore a host of additives, as many additives thrown in foods today have been shown to increase the risks of various health conditions when consumed frequently and long term.


All in all, we ask that you don't come for us if your favorite foods made our list. At the end of the day, though, the foods listed above are generally unhealthy, feel free to eat what you want, when you want — no judgment here.

