Burger King Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud Review: Like Walking On Cloud 9

Burger King is at it again, this time with its Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud drink. I was definitely skeptical going into this one – after all, I'm not big on cloyingly sweet drinks, and I assumed that's exactly what this would be given its title. In accordance with the pictures I'd seen, the drink is a light blue hue and laced with ice. One thing that did interest me was the cold foam on top, especially given that this wasn't a coffee-inspired drink (hey there, Starbucks).


So, what is this thing and why is there a goopy topping on it? How much does it cost, and when is it available? Will it actually be good, or will it join the syrupy ranks of so many other slushies and frozen beverages on fast food menus? I figured the best way to answer these questions was to do a bit of research and grab a sip of the drink myself.

Join me as I fill you in on everything you need to know about Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud.

What is Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud made of?

The Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud is thought to be a slushie of sorts, and I suppose it is. It's described on Burger King's website as a frozen beverage that has blue raspberry cotton candy flavor with a cloud of cold foam smoothed over the top. It's important to note that while the drink is advertised as a frozen cotton candy cloud, you can also get it without the cold foam. This might be a feasible option for people who aren't big fans of whipped cream – even though the foam isn't technically that.


While I'd love to spill the tea concerning the ingredients stashed within this ice-cold candy-like beverage, Burger King has yet to release details about what's contained within. In fact, the beverage isn't even listed on the allergen menu yet, making it difficult to report any official details on the sweet concoction. And because we here at Mashed only like to report information we know is legit, I won't try to guess what makes this thing what it is.

How much is Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud?

I initially tried ordering the Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud through the app but was unsuccessful because, for some reason, the darn menu wouldn't load. As I clicked around the app in mounting frustration, I stumbled upon what appeared to be a promo for the drink for only $1.49.


Say what? I, for one, didn't expect the cost to be so low since I don't frequent Burger King very often. As a huge Starbucks fan, I'm accustomed to fancy drinks sporting cold foam running at least four bucks or more. So, the lower price point caused me to raise an eyebrow — especially since I'll admit that I was skeptical about this cotton candy-inspired drink.

Currently, you can only get the Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud for $1.49 in the app or online. Otherwise, expect to pay around $2.59 for the medium cold foam version and $1.79 for the frozen beverage without the fluffy topping. You can order other sizes, making the beverage cost more or less respectively, usually by about a 20 – 25 cent difference. As always, pricing can vary by location.


How long will Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud linger?

Burger King's initial launch of its Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud began April 11, 2024 and is, as of this writing, available nationwide. As of now, that ambiguous limited time only designation has been assigned to the drink, so just how long it will really stick around remains a bit murky.


One thing I do find promising, however, is that Burger King's Chief Marketing Officer made the claim that Fanta's Kickin Mango "brought the heat" last summer and states that it is now time to cool things off with the cotton candy cold foam drink. This leads me to believe this sip is intended to be a summer drink much like the Fanta frozen drink was. I don't know about you, but cotton candy certainly gives me more summer vibes than it does spring.

We'll see how long this blue-tinged frozen drink sticks around. Until then, you can continue to enjoy the drink while supplies last.

How does Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud compare to its other frozen drinks?

I've said this before, and I'll say it again – I'm not a slushie fan. Yes, I've sampled plenty of them in my youth, but as a mature, regal, and utterly sophisticated adult, I've been steering clear of them. That said, I decided to go out on a limb and order not only the Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud but also one of BK's other standard frozen beverages so that I could compare the two. Initially I wanted the blue raspberry to compare one blue frozen drink to another, but the location closest to me only had the Fanta Wild Cherry Frozen drink available.


So, which of the two is the better frozen drink? When comparing the Frozen Fanta to the Cotton Candy Cloud, there really is no comparison. The frozen cherry drink tasted just as I remember from way back when – sickeningly sweet, with that awful artificial cherry flavor that makes it taste, well, childish. The Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud, on the other hand, was insanely delicious. The consistency was awesome, the taste grand, and it looked pretty, too. Plus, the frozen cherry drink also didn't come with any cold foam topping, so of course it's going to come off as lesser-than.

What kind of nutrition stats accompany Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud?

I was determined not to look up the nutrition facts ahead of time since in case I wanted to go back for one (or two) more. Considering how the drink looked, tasted, and had cold foam up top, I expected this one to pack a wallop in terms of calories, sugar, and carbs. I even thought there might even be some fat hiding somewhere in there, given the decadence of that whip topping.


I was right. Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud has 250 calories, 42 grams of sugar, 10 grand of carbs, and even 9 grams of saturated fat inside a medium cup. For reference, the Fanta Wild Cherry Frozen Beverage packs in nearly the same amount of sugar (43 grams)and is nowhere near as good.

Is this drink healthy? Not in the slightest. But one thing's for sure: if I'm going to go into a sugar coma anyway, it might as well be done with a drink I love rather than one I'm so-so about.

How does Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud taste?

Now, for the part you came here for. How the heck does this thing taste? Honestly, Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud tastes exactly as it sounds – absolutely amazing.

No, seriously. I can't stand uber-sugary drinks. I'm very easily turned off by artificial flavors, too, but this is the kind of drink I'd break the rules for. So, what makes it different? First and foremost, the frozen base of Burger King's Frozen Cotton Candy Cloud is just perfect. I was expecting a very brash, uncouth version of cotton candy – the kind that socks you in the face with no apologies. What I got instead was definitely a cotton candy flavor, but mildly so – just enough to say "I'm here!" without going overboard.


As for that cloud cold foam, don't get me started. It's just bomb. There's no other way to describe it. It was sweet but in a rich and creamy way that made it gleefully decadent. I took the time to sample the foam on its own and it's very vanilla-forward, like vanilla-essenced homemade whipped cream. I thought it was dreamily delicious. When combined with the pleasant taste of the subtly sweet cotton candy frozen base, I really have a hard time believing this could get any better. 

