Make The Most Of Costco's Rotisserie Chicken — Turn It Into Multiple Meals

Going to Costco can be exhausting. After wandering through what feels like miles of sky-high aisles that hold everything from toilet paper to fresh-made tiramisu to pasta variety packs, cooking is probably the last thing you want to do when you finally pull out of the warehouse's parking lot. This is why many shoppers snag one of the fan-favorite Costco rotisserie chickens on their way out. These ready-to-eat birds are hot, perfectly seasoned, and only cost $5 each.


The problem comes after you dig in for the first time. If you and your household don't finish your chicken in one sitting, chances are high that the leftovers end up forgotten in the back of your fridge for far too long. The key to maximizing your use of this Costco staple is to split it into two meals that can be eaten over one day.

This method offers some major benefits: For one, when you pick up a rotisserie chicken on your next Costco run, you'll know your next two meals are taken care of. You also won't have to touch (or clean up after) raw meat, and you know you'll get your money's worth. You can use up your chicken in several ways, but our all-time favorite is to make a sandwich or salad at lunchtime and then use the rest for chicken soup in the evening. This ensures that you use every piece of the chicken — not just the meat.


How to get two easy meals out of a Costco rotisserie chicken

To make a rotisserie chicken sandwich, choose good bread and whatever sandwich toppings you like. You can keep it simple by cutting the chicken breast into slices and adding some mayo, lettuce, and cheese, or you can stretch the chicken by shredding it and making chicken salad. (This is also a great way to use up extra veggies and fruit.)


You can't go wrong with a basic chicken salad recipe — just mix in some grapes, almonds, and celery. Alternatively, you can try a curried chicken salad for a fresh take on the classic. If you're not in the mood for a sandwich, place the chicken on a bed of lettuce and make a delicious, protein-rich salad. You can also put it in a tortilla wrap. Just be sure to leave approximately ¼ to ½ of the chicken on the bone.

Once you're done with lunch, start your leftover rotisserie chicken soup by removing the rest of the meat from the bones and saving the carcass to make your own chicken stock. Once you've made your soup, try adding some rice — or even some homemade egg noodles — to stretch the dinner further. Costco's rotisserie chickens are nothing if not versatile, and these are just two easy ways to use them.


