Deviled Egg Tulips Will Be The MVP Of Your Easter Celebration

It's not an Easter celebration until the deviled eggs hit the table. Easy to prepare (and even easier to consume) in large quantities, deviled eggs are a party staple. And on Easter, when eggs are pretty much the second-string holiday mascot, having them on the menu is basically a requirement. On such an egg-centric holiday, why would you serve plain old deviled eggs when you could make them in the shape of the ultimate Easter flower?


Transforming a dozen boiled eggs into a dozen tulips is a fairly easy task, and you hardly have to alter your favorite deviled egg recipe to do it. The main difference between regular deviled eggs and the tulip-shaped variety is how you extract the yolk. Typically, you slice boiled eggs in half and scoop out the yolks. In this case, an X-shaped incision is made on the tip of the egg white, extending about halfway down the egg. Be careful because forgetting to center the yolk is one of the big mistakes everyone makes with deviled eggs. To easily access the yolk, feel around to determine which end of the egg the yolk is closest to the top and make your cut there. It may prove difficult to remove some of the yolks without breaking the delicate egg-white petals, so leave some room for error and make more boiled eggs than you need.


What came first, the chicken or the tulip?

Now that you've got a bunch of eggy white tulips, it's time to give them a pop of color. After the yolks have been gently removed, place them in a bowl and whip them up with mayo, mustard, and your go-to egg-enhancing seasonings. While salt and pepper is a timeless combination, a touch of smoked paprika or fresh chopped dill can brighten up the flavor. Crab sticks and cream cheese can even be added as a heartier option. From there, the yolk mixture can be spooned into a piping bag. Fitting the bag with a round tip works best for this particular project.


Squeeze a generous amount of the yolk filling into each egg white. Over-stuffing them a bit allows the egg to open up more, which works to better show off the tulip shape and the festive color of the yolk mixture. Once they've all been filled, it's time to give those blossoms some stems. To create the illusion that the egg tulips have stems, strategically arrange them on a bed of green onions. Alternatively, a straw can be used to hollow out a small circular hole at the base of the egg into which the green onion can be plugged. If you're feeling ambitious, you might make some chocolate deviled eggs (which are exactly what they sound like) for dessert!

