Why Aren't Raspberry Rally Girl Scout Cookies Available In 2024?

In life, there are three guarantees: death, taxes, and Girl Scout cookies. Like clockwork, members of the largest girl-led organization begin peddling their exclusive treats shortly after the start of the new year, giving cookie lovers their annual opportunity to re-stock their supply of treats like Samoas, Tagalongs, and Thin Mints.


In 2024, Girl Scout cookie season kicked off on January 9, but there was one flavor noticeably absent from the options available for purchase: Raspberry Rally. Introduced during the 2023 cookie season, fans quickly rallied around the crispy raspberry cookies dipped in chocolate — so much so that the online-exclusive flavor sold out long before sales concluded that year.

Needless to say, Raspberry Rallies quickly became a contender for the most popular Girl Scout cookie in the U.S., so why didn't they return the year after their inaugural season? In a statement shared with TODAY, a spokesperson for GSUSA explained that the fruity flavor was introduced "as part of a pilot online-only sales strategy" meant to teach troop members how to manage an online business. The spokesperson acknowledged the immense popularity of the treat but ultimately said the organization opted to keep them off the roster in 2024 to "prioritize supplying our classic varieties."


Were resales to blame for the disappearance of Raspberry Rally cookies in 2024?

After selling out during their inaugural season in 2023, Raspberry Rally Girl Scout cookies began popping up on reselling platforms like eBay, where they were being sold for upwards of $80 for a single box. This was a considerable markup from the $5 price tag put on the cookies by the troops. Unsurprisingly, the Scouts weren't too happy about it.


"If you're buying these cookies at a huge markup, you could and should instead be using that money to support girls by buying other varieties or supporting the program in other ways," the organization said in a statement responding to the resales (via TODAY). Additionally, GSUSA notes on its website that it "cannot guarantee freshness or integrity" of cookies bought through reselling platforms. However, eBay said the transactions don't violate any of its rules.

It at least sounds plausible that in addition to the focus on classic cookies, 2023's unprecedented resales were a major factor in the decision to keep the Raspberry Rally flavor out of the Girl Scout cookie lineup in 2024. However, it is important to note that the organization uses the word "pause" when discussing the absence of Raspberry Rallies, implying that they very well could make a return in the future — perhaps once the Scouts figure out a way to combat the unauthorized reselling of their products.


